FINISHED!! My Big Build of the season, The 3 Green Maglites "Listen while I play my Green Tambourine" FINISHED!!

Man, Old, these are beauties. I really dig the matching double bands-I like how they sorta outline the knurling. I love the way the band of knurling looks on the 1D. The knurling near the head lends the big Mag a perfectly balanced appearance. I never thought I’d like how Mag’s green anodizing looks but darn it, you sure know how to dress em up.


I do not like green as a rule and I debated this build. I did it because I knew Green "D" Maglites were harder to find, so I figured a set of green would be different. I ended up liking how they look and I think it's because of the polished accents. The polished bezels and rings make the green look better.

Very nice trio if lights. The polished alloy suits the green to a tee. Would there be any chance to see beam shots of the 15 and 45 degree TIR lenses compared?

This is one of the best “how to” ever! What at beautiful brace of flashlights!

I like green now :wink:


Yes, I can do that. I looked at both already and the 45 degree is much like a zoomie pulled all the way back, just a big circle of light. The 15 degree is more like a normal reflector. I will do a couple shots of both.


Sweet .

Those lights are full of win.

Congrats (yet again) on a stellar build.

Okay….Being the big man I am. I will allow you to donate these to the flashlight poor. ME!

All kidding aside, Very nice work! Not that any less is expected, but stellar torches you create. Gotta love it.

Dang! I’ve read this three times today…. and THREE TIMES, I have had to clean the drool off of my computer screen!!!

If there is a nicer trio set in the world… I want to see them! NICE WORK OLD!!! Just Beautiful!


You do the most tasteful work, Justin. It must be gratifying when the two pieces snick home.

I think Mag Lite should finance your projects. I’m not into MagLites but now i
want one. The idea’s are rolling in

Beam Shots are up in Post#1 below the videos.

Thanks to everyone for watching and commenting on this build. I really appreciate it a lot and I thank you all.

OH, in case anyone wonders, the 1D on 3 AA Eneloops draws 2.6 amps of current at the tail cap. Wink

Have fun y'all and start modding, it's fun to do!

Thank you sir for the effort, especially the pictures. It's interesting the difference the different reflectors make to the beam, seeing it first hand, shallow and deep, and the same with the TIR's. I put a 15 degree in my shopping cart to suit an XM_L last time I went shopping so I should be able to compare a reflector with the TIR. I cant do any modding this weekend as there's a Moto GP race on at Phillip Island that beckons. Thanks again, cheers.

Beautiful lights Justin. Lovely to watch you at work.

Just a word of caution though, if you are machining or sanding any kind of shell, be very careful with the dust, it is highly toxic so always wear a good respirator.

What a beautiful set of lights. Compliments to you Justin on your stellar work. I just know that [again] there are M@G employees that see your work [and other talented modders] and they just sit and sputter, “Why the hell doesn’t M@G open a ”custom shop” and produce work like this” If you think about it, another iconic American manufacturer, Zippo, had a “Custom Shop” for years and years and still does if I not mistaken. It’s a shame that M@G quality has suffered over the past years. I know the last two “C” M@Gs I purchased had very rough threading and lacked the precise fit & finish of my two ancient “D” M@Gs. Justin, what ever you do, don’t break up that set of lights, they belong together forever.

Now that is a really sweet triple!

So, you don’t suck and you don’t retire? I must have missed something.

Guess what came to my house today???

These arrived…very well packed and BEAUTIFUL! The images Justin put up and these that follow by no means do the lights justice!!

I need one more hand so I can play with them all at the same time. These are absolutely stunning! The “D” is so nicely balanced that it feels like it simply belongs in your hand! Just had to show these off!! Dan.