The making of the BLF UC4 charger: the start of a new venture, INTEREST LIST, UPDATE 7 (Well, ramping stopped :/ )


No joy on my name on the interest list. So please add me for one. Thanks!

My initial request was made in comment #648.

Which store will deliver the charger?

I see your name on the list @ #5

In for 1.

Was not aware of this google docs spread sheet. Thanks.

My concern was at not seeing my name on the interest list in post #1. Perhaps the incorrect list should be crossed out (or removed) and a spreadsheet link added in post 1. Sorry, but I don't keep up with the thread's daily activity.

Instead of an interest list on the forum, here’s a spreadsheet where you can see how many of each you want.

Thank you ActiveAI for the suggestion.

hello please add me for 1 as well!

Any chance outer 2 slots could handle 26650 like the Xtar Dragon does? Either way interested in one.

mark me interested indeed!

Here are the additions since last week’s updates and the files linked to in post #1 have been updated.
The interest list count now stands at 322.


791 zelee
797 Harborseal
799 spacemanspliff
800 opbigdave
804 LSX
812 samsat
814 cujo255
816 cowlevwlisreal
817 Chinaheart
818 blueb8llz
819 kat
821 rvr
825 sleasys14
828 takumi86
829 Nite Shadow
830 WarHawk-AVG

I’m interested. I can’t remember if I expressed interest before.



I’d be interested in one.

Yup, you’re #108 and added from post #740 .




interested, please add me to the list for 1.