(prototype) the GT Mini


What do you mean ’McLight’

What “uncomfortable question still unanswered” are you referring to??

teacher, uncomfortable unanswered question…Is it MINE?


Neal got the first 150 lights today from the factory and prepares the orders during the weekend

maybe some more arrive tomorrow

Monday the shipping company can pick up the parcels to export - when we get the tracking numbers back I forward them to you (will take some days)

Thanks, Martin

Copy, thanks i appreciate that…

M4D M4X great news atleast things are moving.

No sir…… NOT YOURS. :wink: The one I quoted. :smiley:

I did not realize you had even asked an “uncomfortable unanswered question”…… :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol, I was saying, it’s an uncomfortable and often unanswered question when a guy asks “Is it mine?” :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh OK…. I’m am kinda slow on the uptake it seems. :smiley: :person_facepalming: … :smiley: :smiley:

Sorry for digging up an old post. I just noticed this while catching up on Mini GT news.

A bit different overall than the BLF-348, but we’re in discussions with Sofirn to make an ~8 lumen, high CRI, floody Fenix E01-style twisty:

It will not run Anduril, however. :stuck_out_tongue:


yes me too, things are moving :slight_smile:

Great…YES THEY ARE, now gotta wait 2 to 3 weeks for delivery

I paid the lantern three weeks ago
Movement is not visible

Same here, but transmitted electronic data to DHL need 48 - 72 hours to update. DHL rules, not depended on sender…

I don’t think DHL is being used.

Yep, I’ve already progressed a bar, think it depends on recipients country also…

I want one as well…

I have DHL bringing me something today as a matter of fact, the only thing I know that it could be is this light. We’ll see later today… might as well call it a birthday present, my b-day is next Thursday. :smiley: