18,000th Post Giveaway! Winner! David EF! Congratulations!

Congrats on 18,000!

and with my very first post, I hereby declare…. I’m in!

Welcome to BLF bmg50!
I hope you will enjoy it here and join the nice bunch of people who are crazy about flashlights. :slight_smile:

There is many famous emitters missing, this was just what was in that box. The MT-G2 indeed, SST-90 (I never had one), a Rebel, an XR-E, MC-E, to name a few :slight_smile:

I’m in!

Welcome to the forum BMG 50, thought you might like to see this… my first Old Lumens Challenge scratch build back in 2013…

Started with a live round, ended up with an 800 lumen twisty. And second place I think, can’t remember, was it third? Honorable mention? My cousin was VERY pleased when I gave it to him. lol

I’m In!

Congratulations on your 18k posts :beer:

I’m in!
Would like to win and receive a light on roids from:
“Pom pom pom pom, deep in the heart of Texas”.
You know the song :wink:

I’m not in, but congrats anyway Dale!

I’m in! Congrats on your epic number of posts.

I’m in. Good thing winter is coming.

I’m in. Congratulations on your huge amount of posts!

I’m in!

Wow!! Eighteen thousand !!

You must like it here. :smiley:

Congrats, Dale. :beer:

18K is golden, right?

I’m In!


Inbred indeed!

18K, that's impossible.... congrats

I'm in, very generous of you!

I’m in.

But how do you find time to work on lights posting so much? :wink:

Congratulations and thanks for all the information you have provided everyone who visits BLF.

I’m in!

Xpe’s Are red
8000k’s are blue
You talk too much
But I wanna win the two

Congrats and I believe the 18,000! You’re a great contributor and an inspiring hobbyist And without members like you I don’t know where we’d be at this point

Count me in mate