Massive post on where to get lithium-ion batteries everywhere in the world! Look at Post 2-5 for info, And Canada Post 123


Oh boy. Let’s start with this.

Due to very tight air shipping regulations regarding lithium-ion 18650s, most Chinese sellers will not take the risk to ship via airmail, or take the time via boat. Some will however.

In Canada:

Durenergy on eBay:\_trksid=p2047675.l2559

This is the only seller which will not gouge you with huge prices on 18650s and pay you for shipping. They only carry low drain 2200mAh-2600mAh 18650s, but will be suitable for most lights. They also carry 3000mAh 18650s, along with 2000mAh 20A 18650s, and 2200mAh 10A 18650s, which would be suitable for lights like the BLF Q8.

Outside of Canada:

Here we get in the real of what I like to call, vacation shipping. The only way to get cheap, high capacity high drain cells in Canada will be via boat shipping, which usually takes 1 month, up to 3 months. I’ve bought 18650s that way before, took “only” one month, but can take up to 3 as specified before.

Sunway Store on Aliexpress:

I’ve bought cells from them, 6x Samsung 30Qs to be precise, and they test right on target at about 3000mAh down to 2.5V, have good low internal resistance, and still have great capacity at a 5A and 10A drain down to 2,8V(2810mAh and 2760mAh respectively). They also don’t stick out to other legit 30Qs that I bought elsewhere, with 3 poles on the negative terminals, and a non auspicious looking marking. They also make my BLF Q8 very hot :slight_smile:

Others have bought cells from them, and have confirmed them to be legitimate. Be aware though. They ship very slowly to respect shipping laws.

I’ve also ordered 2x 21700s 4000mAh from them recently to see if they ship out the same way, and if the cells are still legit :slight_smile:

Aliya store:

Same thing. Other people have confirmed the cells to be coming from this store to be legit, with non suspicious terminals, not too low small unit pricing, and shipping fee.

I have tested both the NCR18650GA and Samsung 30Q, and can confirm that they sell completely legitimate cells for Canadians!

There’s also a new player on the bloc. He’s a member on BLF, and has his own store, 18650 Canada


2021 update: Looks like the Sunway store doesn’t sell individual cells anymore. Sad.
Same for the Aliya store and even Lucky :frowning:


Here we go again with the insane shipping rules regarding shipping laws.

Same stores again.

Sunway Store:

Aliya Store for more variety in cells with slightly higher prices:

Lucky’s electronic store:



Tech Around You




New Zealand

Piercing Darkness

Another one:





If you want, comment here on more sources for international sources on 18650s, 21700s, etc.

I want you guys and gals to help me out here. So we can help out even more people :slight_smile:


As of July 2021, here are the max capacities for common sizes of lithium ion (3,6V-3,7V) cells:

- 18650: 3600mAh

- 21700: 5200mAh

- 26650: 5700mAh

- 18350 : 1100-1200mAh

- 14500: 1000mAh

There are a few more choices for US people. Mountain Electronics and Vruzend and Orbtronic for example. Pretty much every major 18650 distributor in the US is in my battery database.

I’ve bought from Aliya’s Battery Store (AliExpress) more than once and was all good!
Thanks for the effort of putting this info together :+1:

Thanks for this thread BlueSwordM.

Here are three Australian suppliers I’ve had good experiences with:

Tech Around You



Banggood and Fasttech - at this time - don’t ship to Greece, I don’t know about other EU countries.

Another EU supplier - which I haven’t tried yet - but looks promising and has directly contacted BLF is

I am also a returning customer there. (/store/1382210)

Also add Lucky Electronics Store, it is very similar. (/store/1191644)

BlueSwordM, when you use AliExpress URLs, please remove the part right from the ? mark, including the ? as well. That spm labeled stuff is for handling some user preferences (probably language settings as well).

GearBest, BangGood and Fasttech do not ship batteries to the UK.

Just an FYI, VapeCell just released a 1000mah 14500.

In the UK and probably europe
Serving and endorsed by vaping communities for years and probably cheapest.

Thanks for doing that BlueSwordM ! :+1:

Illumn can also ship to Canada.

For Canadian based store, CANVAPE.CA have quite a good selection, (30Q, VTC6 and 1100mAh INR 18350 and more…). I saw some 26650 for 5-6$ CAD.

I remember that Liitokala thread and appreciate all your input there as well as taking the time to put this together for us. It’s so hard to find trustworthy sites these days and it’s people like you and forums like BLF that make the internet a better place.


I’ll include all of your suggestions once I come back home.

I love to help out, especially since even people not on BLF will see this thread.

...because size matters!

@raccoon city, nice relation you’ve got there. Size does matter when looking at capacity, marketability, and such.

I’ve done the modifications you guys/gals provided me with.

Thanks for compiling these lists. As I venture out into new types of cells and am buying more high-performance lights, it’s good to have reputable sources out there to choose from.

Thanks BlueSwordM. Nevertheless, a couple remarks:

Europe is a multitude of nations, this means there's little consensus in this shipping thing. Customers from nations like Spain, France, Germany and others can buy from FastTech or other asian sources because of railway shipping and TNT-PostNL. However, if we are to name each country and list all possible sources this can really become hard to maintain and turn out into a mess. This can be alternatively done by making a listing of sellers/retailers/sources and specify where they do ship, and please allow all of you to amend here with your contributions.



Nice thread Blue! That VRUZEND site is very interesting & it looks like they are INTERNATIONAL also. :+1:
Edit: This appears to me to be an excellent resource of places to buy from. Barkuti mentioned that it my or may not apply to some countries in Europe. But as he also stated, it would be a huge undertaking to list each country individually.

That, as far as I am concerned; is where the individual buyer does his or her homework for their particular country. While you have provided the basic list of suppliers, it will be up to the buyer to determine if they do indeed ship to their particular country.

Then hopefully they will share that info here & you can add it where appropiate, if you so desire. :+1:

:partying_face: on…… :wink:

Yep. For some reason, I forgot about Micah and his shop.

Why did I order cells from Chinese sellers again?

Oh yeah. To see if they actually get to me. If not, I’ll just buy 18650s from Vruzend now.