WTB: Jetbeam RRT01 – Any place to buy it?! + [RRT01 2019 discussion]

I would be interested in one w hcri and trits if we could have someone do that for us Mr Slider.

There’s no better than Clemence to mod these and he has access to the biggest selection of E21A 9080 emitters which IMO is the best looking hi cri emitters available.

I agree High CRI modded RRT-01 w Trits would be a popular item :slight_smile:

here btw is a list of lights with Standby or Parasitic current Drain … not because I avoid them, just because I was curious

Jon, convince me not to buy this and suggest another interesting 18350 light under $100. I can mod it if necessary. If you do not succeed then i will have no choice…

if you want a magnetic rotary w 18350, this IS the way to go, if you appreciate a beam with a hotspot for general EDC
and at the price M4DM4X is proposing… I think its a great deal… Bird in Hand, go for it, then beat the bush and someday you may do better, if you can find an original, that weighs less, or a Titanium version, that has more Bling :wink:

did I mention the new one has Trit Slots? How can you say no? LOL

if you can settle for electronic ramping, a D4 might be OK, if youre ok with that beam style, and the potential to roast nuts

or if you can settle for a 4 mode triple with onboard charging, still w 18350 capability, there is the Mecarmy PT-16, but it does not have a ramping UI, nor a sublumen mode

Today, knowing what I know, the RRT-01 is a BUY! :wink:
its not perfect, but, it is here now

The rotary makes it interesting but not required. However, i have enough shorty triples so prefer a single LED. Guess this is it then

Ok, I bit the bait. I blame Jon and Martin for this. Will get back to you all with potential modifications summary later after teardown.
I’m thinking to sell upgrade kit rather than modified one. Time flies faster and my third hand still doesn’t seem to show up anytime soon.


I like that idea better!


Besides already getting a new emitter put in mine, I now have it broke down and am going to fill in the small detents with some lead. I was taught how to braze with lead by a old body man years ago. He didn’t like body filler and refused to use it. So I think I am going to get those detents filled in. I am sure it will take a bit of work to get it all smoothed out but, I have time and I am in no hurry. Think I will see if I can rid the light of that max brightness detent as well. Haven’t looked at it close enough to see if that will be doable. Not going to try and boost output. It is just fine for me the way it is. No need to give myself a reason to burn through cells even faster.

Guess I will see how it goes. I don’t foresee any problems but, ya never know.

Now available for pre-order on Banggood as well

Would anyone know of a Banggood coupon that would work on this? The price seems good in any case.

I am thinking of getting it, even though I do hope JetBeam will make it in Ti…

Try the M4dM4X deal thread.

Thanks, I just subscribed. I guess I will be receiving a code by email or something?


Does anyone know, what size trits fit on the RRT-01? Is it 2x12mm?

See this post by moderator007 https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/47799/261

The post says that 2x12mm are too long and need some grinding. It says that 2x10mm should be fine, but I can only find 2.5x10mm. Anyone who has the light at hand, do you think that 2.5x10mm will fit without grinding?

I asked that question and he replied that the slots are not wide enough.

That does not make any sense at all. Tritium slots that need to be modded to fit tritium vials? What are you doing Jetbeam?

Thanks for all the information shirnask.

See https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/55825 for link and coupon.

This is not the place for post LumenMax, see here

I did find 2x8mm trits seem to exist in a few places and 2x6mm at mixglo. I’m going to wait and see how I like the light first since it’s so hard to find an exact fit.