Is there any tests to show how well the Osram green 2mm2 performs? I purchased 2pcs but unsure how hard I can push them.


is there any side by side review for the W1 and W1.1 ?

Will there be any gain in swapping the LED’s or do you need to drive it harder?

No, but it is likely the same led underneath the phosfor as the white 2mm2 version, so I bet you can use that test for current/voltage/output behaviour.

Based on this I would expect probably ~10A for a Green 2mm. Probably an amp or two more for a 4040 footprint.

djozz, you tested the Ostar Projection PC-green 1mm² and got more than you bargained for:

The CSLNM1.TG curve isn't updated with the newer curves peaking at ≈5.7A, though.

I bought KD MCPCB's once --- never again. They like to de-laminate themselves under heat, plus they were thinner than Noctigons, SinkPAD's at the time.

Green and Red CSLNM1s from Simon. Unfortunately I already ordered green ones from Shenzhen silver ingot and who charged a bit more for them.



Simon newly listed bare KW CULPM1.TG BIN1:8RF-fcbB46-B5-6000 ,

Which is 1690-1900 Lumens and 3.25v-3.5v voltage.


Quite a bit higher priced, I’m waiting for djozz to test it

Does anyone remember the flux bin of the CULPM1.TG sold by Led4power? The 8RF Simon is selling is the 3rd highest bin so wondering how it compares with tbe ones already tested.

Flux bins for the CSLPM1.TG sold by led4power: 5P at first, then 6P.

Mon, 08/17/2020 - 09:25

I’m wondering how it will compare to the few CULNM1.TGs laying around for lux.

Not sure if there is 5P & 6P. there is ?

The convoy Z1 zoom flashlight is new I think. Might be interesting with 1mm²

I plan to install one when my stock arrives

Without precoolimator lens that will be very tiny die projection. But it should throw…

But did led4power sold a CULPM1.TG (Boost HX)? As far as I know I could only get 3030 CSLPM1.TGs from them, and the bins I posted above are for the 3030.

I don’t think so, he announced them and published them, but they were never available, since they were very hard to get.

For now they are available and when Simon sells them on a copper board and has the 4040 gaskets available, i will definitely get some and swap it for the LED4Power DTP with 3030 W2 in my L21A, should be awesome!

Mystery bin Boost HX from Aliexpress (seller also claims to not know bin). They came loose in static bag. Not “cut from reel” like most places.

I vaguely remembered L4P did sell the CULPM1.TG at one point but it was a very low flux bin so it did not perform much better than the CSLPM1.TG. The one Simon is selling is a pretty high bin so hopefully it will beat the CSLPM1.TG by a good bit.