gChart's Hand Made Class, 8th Annual BLF/OL contest [Finished!]

It is good to see this underway!

I love it. Anduril driver, 5mm LEDs, on-board charging, and a small tub of “Working Hands”

Current draw measured. In standby, the draw is a measly 7.5 uA. With LEDs at full brightness it’s 84 mA. With how I had the CN5710 set, I was figuring around 90 mA, so not too shabby.

Driver testing is complete. Anduril is fully functional! [WARNING - flashing lights!]

I love black magic and trying to learn a new language. Nice work. :beer:

thanks Moose!

Next up:

  • Drill holes for the LEDs in the lid
  • Finalize electrical connections
  • Glue everything in place
  • Final testing & documentation
  • Enjoy a beverage

I don’t know where you grow these ideas, but they’re cool!!! :sunglasses:

Your skills are impressive :beer:

Touch-switch, Anduril, 5mm leds, übercool! :sunglasses:

Small update, but it’s an update I guess. I drilled the holes for the LEDs and dry fitted them. Not quite sure what I’ll use to glue them in place… UV-cured glue? Hot melt glue? I’m out of clear epoxy. I’ve got JB weld but that would look unsightly. Probably just the UV glue I guess.


Here we go! Build is finished.

One of the more difficult things that I didn’t anticipate is that this kind of plastic doesn’t take glue very well. Hot glue was a no-go. Original Gorilla Glue fell right off. Gorilla Glue Super (CA) Glue Gel didn’t do any better. I ended up having some success with DAP RapidFuse.

Gteat! Very tidy inside.

Nice work ! :+1: :beer:

Nice result! Anduril for a reading light for the children, that is true BLF spirit :slight_smile:

Congratulations for your finished build! Well done. :sunglasses: :+1:

It is really cool that these 5mm leds are running with Anduril.

Nice build and great video gchart :+1:

:laughing: Nice.

Awesome! Great design and creativity using your own design and fusing it with Andruil. You could probably market that as a reading or nightlight.

Thanks guys. The Anduril thing was purely for the fun of it. What would have been much more purposeful is to have it be a simple on/off switch with a fade-out after like 30 minutes (assuming the child will probably just fall asleep with the light on). Sure, there’s sunset mode but I’m not going to encourage the child to tap 3 times then do another 2 taps. I would consider reflashing the driver after the competition, but umm… it’s glued down and the programming pads are on the glued-down side. :person_facepalming: Oh well, it works just fine. If she’s has problems with it, I’ll rip the driver out and put in a new one.

Great job gchart on your build. I love to see your electronic experience in action. :smiley:
I am always learning from your posts how to wire things together, Thank You for all your contributions here at BLF. :+1: