Anduril 2 Flashlights so far....?

This V2 diagram looks way more complicated than V1 at a glance. Thought it was meant to be more easy to navigate

Edit: the new diagram actually looks okay

Fireflies E07X Pro also has Anduril 2

Are you referring to this thread: ?

L-P has done a more thorough job in the most recent diagrams he's done, so maybe that's the reason. Wasn't supposed to be simpler as far as I know. Simpler means less features and that was never the intent.

The Simple UI however is about as simple as simple gets.

Oh, I meant just better organized. It looks okay by that updated diagram, looked super messy looking at the old ones.

I haven't used V2 yet, but I'll have a chance with the Sofirn LT1 V2 I have coming

This thread also has some information about the BLF firmware, but needs updates:

I will post the link of “this” thread into “that” thread for mutual updates!!

FYI: Since I am working on a new Andúril 2 manual for Sofirn's flashlights, I cannot help but to simplify and separate those diagrams for Simple UI and Advanced UI anyway. The current UI diagram will not fit into any manual unless it's being folded multiple times, lol. That diagram was actually never meant to be used for a short glimpse but more like having all information in one picture. Thus, the level of detail in the next diagrams will be significantly reduced.

I hope I can keep track of any new implementations to the UI made by ToyKeeper and others. I am not part of the "core team" or active on Github.

By the way...

You may add SC21 (Pro) to the list of upcoming Andúril 2 flashlights.

K, updated the list - thanks! Keep updates coming.

Looks like the OP isn't around much, but I'll continue to update post #2. This was a good idea because I was wondering which, how many, etc. too.

Thanks Tom E :+1:

The other more comprehensive thread on BLF UI's: also looks like it may be lacking an OP. Hope that one comes back as well.

The D4v2 w/Nichia 219BT-V1 that I received from Hank (Int’l Outdoors) this month was shipped with Anduril 2.

Interesting to know. I wonder if all Hank lights are shipped with Anduril 2 now?

Not all lights are shipped with anduril 2 by default, but you can request anduril 2 for all of our lights before shipping.

Thanks for the info!

Ahh, I guessed right! Figured so, thanks Hank!

Actually I just built Anduril2 for the K1 SBT90.2 a few mins ago, but cranking up the default temp and temp limit. I'm using Microchip Studio on Windows 10 and works like a charm!

I haven’t tried the Emisar/Noctigon and Fireflies models above.

The Lumintop FWAA I’ve tried and it uses Anduril 2. (version check: 2020-09-27, model code ‘312’)
The Lumintop HL3A (new batch) also appears to now use Anduril 2. (version check: 2021-01-25, model code ‘322’)

Regarding the Sofirn Q8 Pro and LT1v2.0 (with powerbank function) = I just got both these models recently, but both of them still run Anduril 1
(Q8 Pro with Anduril date code 2020-03-18 while the LT1v2.0 use Anduril date code 2020-06-02)
Just wondering if anyone has actually received a factory-shipped Sofirn Q8 Pro or an LT1v2.0 that uses Anduril 2 (as of this writing)?

I can't find any listing of the HL3A showing it uses Anduril 2, not Lumintop's sites, not Neals, not Illumn, not the Ali stores. The HL3A is not listed on BG.

I'll keep the Q8 Pro and LT1 listed as Anduril 2 because that's how they are listed on the Sofirn site, front page, guess it's just time before it makes it out to distribution.

I'm sure there are, and will be more confusion of the transition but it seems to be happening, but slowly.

Yes, very slowly. V1 is now ~13 months and ~130 revisions behind, and not maintained any more, so I hope it won’t be used for new lights any more. It basically hasn’t been updated since V2 started, except a couple of small maintenance changes at the request of manufacturers.

I’ll probably merge V2 into the fsm and trunk branches soon, and move V1 into an archival fork like I’ve done for other end-of-life branches.

Ahh, ok. Hopefully that will help end the V1/V2 debates that have been goin on, and also end the purpose of this thread , because it's getting fuzzy, to say the least...

It would be great to flag which lights are reasonably easy to reflash and which are not. Emisars (at least some of them) have a USB dongle but I gather that some other lights require unsoldering the led to get at the MCU. I want to be sure my light always has the latest security patches ;-).

All of our lights can be reflashed by the reflashing kits except D18.