DQG 18650 EDC--World's Smallest 18650 Flashlight

Wow really looks good! :heart_eyes:



What is the current draw in each mode? Also will it have mode memory?

Must have one :slight_smile:

Wow! That is impressingly small and I like the color!
I hope for XP-G2 option though, that would fit it better IMO…

Sounds great indeed, but:

  1. do protected 18650’s fit
  2. Is it PWM or CC driven?
  3. Optics really made out of glass??
  4. NW or CW only?
    5)price is irrelevant :wink:

Thats a really EDC-able 18650 light for sure, looks great!

This forum just loves to hurt my wallet…. :slight_smile:

Havent gotten more than 1 of my 3 ordered new lights before I want another one! Hopeless….:slight_smile:

Pretty innocent addiction though…

I don’t need it… I don’t need it… I don’t need it… i d…yes, i need it! when and how much?

Do want!

hmm, very nice, I will buy one, but why not use the XML2 ??

Protected won’t fit for sure and chinese multimode twisty? Lol.
2 modes would be nice, but just imagine twisting through strobes, sos… no way!

I totally agree there is always an EagleTac with better specs/buildq./warranty/looks (just got the 2013D25ATixpgNW, I love it!), but I am also a huge fan of the beam profile of TIR optics.

I think kreisler wants to tell us that the volume of the eagletac is smaller, wich is obviously true.
Considering that, the DQG should be called the shortest 18650 light, in order to prevent misunderstandings. (what it truely is, as far as I know)
But that said, it would not be hard to also make the smallest volume flashlight if he would want to, just reduce the wall thickness?! Or am I missing something?

Not much thicker. Looks like ~24mm diameter to me.

Gimme two!))

I see your point, but reducing the diameter of the DQG to lets say “26mm head - 24mm body-tube” would not really hurt (I mean 27mm on the body-tube is a lot actually…) and it would indeed has the smallest volume. just saying…
After all its personal taste I think. :wink:

Measuring from the photos, comparing to reference lights / 18650s, I would say: DQG head will be ~24mm, body ~23mm.

@Ric: Would you please confirm?

I took the dimensions from the description, but in the pictures it looks smaller, that’s right. If thats true, it renders all my drivel elaborate thoughts useless :smiley:

What’s wrong with chinese multimode twisties ?

ITP and Olight are chinese multimode Twisties :cowboy_hat_face: and they’re just fine and even the modes are the same.

low - mid - high, no strobe or blinky

The BLF EDC Edition?