BTU Shocker - $99 Free Ship at FF

Batteries. Dont forget batteries.

@ Rusty Joe……

Buy the friggin’ thing!!!

It will put pretty much any light to shame, including the ‘king’.

…the ‘king’ is dead, long live the king.

Maybe the MT-G2 version is coming……. :smiley:

I want one off those but if it was it wont be $99.00. :_(

I just ordered one, Cool white BTU Driver. Now the wait is on!!

You could’nt resist a great deal could ya?

I was this close to buying a used TK70 off of ebay before I seen this post. I did the math and chose this one due to taking 18650’s and I don’t have to buy 4 more D NIMH batteries and a new charger. It was a no brainer for me. I just hope we like the BTU. I’m sure that we will.

No I couldn’t… :slight_smile: Everyone raves about it so it’s gotta be good. Love the idea of 18650’s also I hate dealing with the D’s. Does anyone know how long it takes to get an order from them?

He usually ships DHL so seems pretty quick, forget, but like 10-14 days maybe? The light is a beast - I like to compare it to a HD 2010 on steroids -- it's simple, over-sized, but gets outstanding results. Battery carrier isn't at the same level as a TN31, TK75, or even the new 7G9v2, but it's not awful budget either.

What puts it over the top now, I believe, is the real AR lens shipping now -- my tests show a definite bump - two Shockers I tested with the new AR lens get over 3,000 lumens stock. It seems to be better than the UCL/p lens, unless it's variations on my side with the lightbox, or other production mods I'm not aware of, dunno.

Thanks, Sounds awesome!!

Without doubt, go for the NW! I highly doubt that the brightness difference would be noticeable, and the fantastic color rendition with the NW definitely WILL be noticeable.

Is the Fancyflashlights website down? I haven’t been able to access it all day.

its down for me

Worked for me just now.

Did anyone have any problems trying to check out? After I pick the US as my country I can’t pick anything in the next two blanks. So where does the city and state go?

Yes. They told me don’t select any of that stuff on the top drop-down (and do not put in a postal code) and just enter your full address in the address box. Then it goes through.

Okay, thanks! 8)

Any guides on how to mod this thing? Will basically be my first serious mod, have 3 XM-L2’s on copper and thicker wire on the way :slight_smile:

Where did you order from. I might want to try my first mod.

I ordered them from this guy on CPF Marketplace!![](-quality-boards)!!!

The wire i just ordered from eBay

FWIW, I ordered a few days ago and mine shipped FedEx International Economy.