[02-JUL-2013] Long downtime due to stringent anti-spam regulations

Thanks SB! Glad to see it's resolved!


welll... i think i will now make a second cup of coffee, and browse blf. thanks sb for getting it taken care of!

take 2

Entire “[30-JUN-2013] Duplicate posts bug, please post here to help” is deleted!
Why bother to respond at all :expressionless:

Yep, I took that thread offline for the moment because I don’t want it to be used for comments regarding this most recent downtime, which is completely unrelated to the server configuration.

I’m glad the site is back up!

Think of how many emails it was sending before the wonderful change that you made to the notification system a while back…

double posting continues…

Yes, but even those weren’t legitimate spam because the user could still opt out. We’re currently not listed on any spam blacklists. This is apparently just an overreaction by some overworked admin at our webhost.

Yes, now that we’re back online I’m now looking into the issue again. Thanks!

Are you gonna keep that webhost? Thats not really a nice behaviour towards a paying customer..

Frankly after so much time and effort invested in this configuration, I don’t really feel like switching at the moment. I’ll see how apologetic and rational their explanation is of this debacle. If it was the mistake of one tired technician, I’ll let it slide this time. But they’re definitely on trial, and if some other serious mistake on their part comes up in the future I’ll probably switch.

Funny enough, I did exactly the same!!
And really happy to see the forum again :wink:

Well, turns out the co-founder of the company offered me an apology and gave me a very generous service credit without me asking for it. So, I’ll let this issue go to rest. However, I do require the host to be reliable and honest, so we’ll just have to see how they do in the future.

Well thats really silly of you, isnt it???! Why even keep your members informed at all? Over at my site (which is far better than any other on the entire internet), I just tell em all to stop their darn crying! I’ll get around to kick-starting my stupid $10 garage-sale server whenever the hell I feel like it. If they dont like it, I’ll ban them all so fast it’ll make their heads spin! Then they all come whining back to me with large plates of hamburgers to lift their bans. So pathetic of them all, but I just love the free greasy food!


Edit: I will also except large quantities of Gas-X in exchange for ban revocations. I need the exta-strength bottles please! :bigsmile:

But seriously, FlashPilot, consider yourself banned.

As expected! :bigsmile:

Hmm, looks like a good candidate to be a moderator here!

Will it double my current pay?

My current pay being $0

Only if they double mine! :slight_smile:

That's a very nice move of them. We'll see what the future brings, I guess. :)