Olight Javelot M2X-UT Review *Pic Heavy* ---===11/19/14 Updates===--- Dual Power Supply Capability

The new emitter is more efficient, gotta be a better thing, we just have to adapt a little.

The Courui D01 Bighead has multiple cells, I bet the forward voltage wouldn't matter so much in that situation. Or the Olight SR-90 Intimidator, with it's 6 cells and proprietary battery pack...that should tweak the new emitter. I might try one of the new U3's in the Courui and see what it does. I'm not messing with the Intimidator! ;)

The lower amperage is a good thing, light runs cooler, cell lasts longer, we just aren't seeing the blazing high lumens output.

Hmmmm, the K50 is regulated, takes 4 cells, should be a likely candidate right? Would the higher Vf requirement hold back a regulated driver?

I'll measure Vf on this older U2 in the Javelot today, see what it's doing at 6.37A. And I'll de-dome a XM-L2 U3 1A in the Courui, see what it does in that multi-cell light.

I'll be back...

That will be capable of doing this flashlight with led to more than 5A :slight_smile: think will be near 300kcd ?? :open_mouth:

who will be the first? :bigsmile:

Yes, actually I meant the same thing that having higher peak current of the older emitters allow them to have the advantage putting out more lumens, maybe I didn’t phrase it well. :smiley:

By using batteries in series and a good buck driver we can overcome the high Vf problem of the newer emitters but unfortunately I think that is just about it. Don’t forget the emitter will probably be killed at just 5.5-5.7A - We just can’t drive them any higher than that don’t we?

Yes, but we just don’t know yet how it all works out - whether the new LED’s will ultimately give us more bang for our buck or less. If a slightly higher Vf and a much lower amp draw can translate into an equal or better lumen output, we will have won on lm/w efficiency and total performance. We then would just have to figure out how to satisfy the higher Vf requirement so that we get all that we can out of them. At the end of the day, it’s lumens we’re looking for, not amps.

I put an XM-L2 U3 1A in my Courui just now. De-domed it so it's a same for same comparison. And with 3 25R cells taking up the slack, the de-domed new emitter makes 1497 lumens at 4.92A at the emitter. Forward Voltage is 3.958.

I figure that should be something like 1700-1800 lumens with the dome on, so it's pretty close to performing the same output and at considerably lower amperage still. Sounds like a winner to me, given the right light. ;)

Thanks, Dale! You may have already said somewhere what the other LED was doing in the Courui, but just to keep it all together, could you do something like:

Old Emitter - Vf=X1, Amps=Y1, Lm=Z1
New Emitter - Vf=X2, Amps=Y2, LM=Z2

So we can see how they stack up?

I measured Vf and amperage before I pulled the XM-L2 U2 1D de-domed out of the Courui and it was at 3.576Vf, but the amperage was low because the cells were at 4.15V. I should have the fresh cell lumens numbers written down here somewhere, now where did I put my.....

...that if one of the higher voltage LG cells were used in this Javelot (4.35V vs 4.2V) it might actually see a decent bump in output in stock form. I don't have any of those cells, but surely someone can check it out to see if that ups the ante on this new emitter.

Maybe someone with the Special Edition X6 with low numbers can try the LG cell and see what shakes?

Good job! :slight_smile: I’m curious… how many kcd with this configuration?


I just went through 40 pages of mods and testing since mid August and don't seem to have anything on this Courui. I know I fairly recently put the ramping firmware in it, can't believe I didn't do the full onslaught of tests.

That couple of months when I was going through the concussion wreaked havoc...

Edit: Just tested throw and it hasn't suffered too much...when I first got the Courui set up with the AR lens and all it was doing 365Kcd. The test I just ran with the XM-L2 U3 1A emitter showed 348.5Kcd with 1180.68M throw. Lost some, but not horribly, and it's most likely burning less amps doing it.

So, the new Cree emitters are going to be an improvement for multi-cell lights, but possibly a step backward for single-cell lights because of higher Vf. Sound about right?

I don't know if "a step backward" is the right descriptive, as efficiency has been gained. Not quite the output, for much longer run time. Gains, with caveats.

Edit: Keep in mind too that this is just my findings. It's been argued that my results are not exemplary.

Many thanks :slight_smile: Is hardly found values of Courui mods :~

I don’t know how this plays in the mix, but it looks like a 6 volt input on this driver.

Copied from Olight website :

“The specifications in the chart to the right claim to ANSI/NEMA FL1-2009 Standards. Tests are performed with 2x CR123A(3.0V) 1500mAh batteries.”

You know, I totally forgot about that! It can take 2 CR123A cells and is supposed to come with an adapter sleeve to keep them tight in the battery tube. I didn't get any accessories with the light as it's a review light. It's supposed to come with spare o-rings, CR123A adapter, lanyard, and holster.

So the driver is a buck driver and that does explain a lot. When looking at it paired with a high Vf emitter, it explains just about everything. My lumens tests showed a lot lower than theirs and that's because they used the 6V results. I should've brought up the website when doing the review and had some of their information available to me.

Thank you for pointing that out.

As a “Stock Light”, Do you need to use a Sony 18650VTC5 or another high drain battery to get MAXIMUM OUTPUT?

I wouldn’t think so but I needed to ask!


The regulation seems to keep the light's amperage consistent whether using a high capacity high discharge cell or a full blown high discharge capable cell like the Sony VT C5.

It's just been brought to my attention that the light also accepts 2x CR123A cells with an included adapter sleeve. So the driver is a Buck driver. I didn't test it with these cells as I didn't get the adapter sleeve or Owners manual/Instruction sheet with the light.

Banggood has a sale going on for this light now, M2X-UT Javelot , I just checked and it's 25% off the regular $119.95 price.

ok,Thanks,What about a standard 3400mAh genuine Panasonic cell?? Like Orbtronic,Olight, KeepPower. E’Tac ect? Those are the ones I am referring to,again,as a STOCK light, not modded.


Being as how it's a Boost driver, most any 18650 should give nearly the same result. The current draw is low enough that protected cells work as well as any of the IMR chemistry's to my finding.

Dale or anyone else who may know this!

I found an extension for this light on Ebay. It is actually a package but he will sell the ext. Tube separately. He says he got it from Olight. Just wondering why they do not mention it or any other dealer mentions it or has it??!

With the kind of Driver/light that this is will 2 X 18650 be detrimental/hinder it in any way?

I have a modded light that is 1 X 18650 and it is not safe to use the 2 X 18650 setup. I realize that is a different and higher driven light,was still wondering if that would apply with the M2X-UT?


Link below:
