lanyards-Show em if you got em

They are and I do except for the price. I can get the same exact ones on ebay much cheaper. I really like the watch band. Extremely comfortable!

Here is a lanyard that doesn't work on all lights, for cosmetic reasons IMO, but is extremely practical. You can use it as a wrist lanyard or on one or two fingers for a secure grip that won't fall out of your hand.

Great work everyone !

Nice even better.......And some awesome pics as well.

A little copper goodness added .

Some more copper goodness .

Great use of compression sleeves, Jack! I need to visit the plumbing dept at Lowes :wink:

Love the copper Jack, but with the price of copper these days, that might doubel the cost of a lanyard?

Ha !

Always good to hear from you Essexman .

Those fittings cost 15 cents apiece .

And I'm looking forward to see the patina ...

Nice work with the photography as well as the lanyards.

Compression fittings! Who wudda thunk.

Where did you get them, Jack? I went to my local Lowes and found the 1/4" size (the larger of the two you used) at a price of 3 for $1.36 (@ $0.45 a piece) which is still cheaper than most lanyard beads but was unable to find the smaller 1/8" fittings.

I got my fittings at Ace Hardware .

Thanks, man! We have one of those several miles away and I’ve been looking for an excuse to stop in there. :slight_smile:

Mini Rattlesnake

And even smaller

link? i hope they have orange/black!

BLUE BALLS! love it lol

Simple yet solid! Use with an "S"-biner and avoid scratches from lanyard hardware on your torch.

Plaid or tartan......

I made this one the other day.