BLF Designed Budget Thrower GB Question

Now I think the issue would be either to run a GB for light with the Acebeam K40 kinda build or the plunger styled lights…


What you have just described is EXACTLY what I want, David!

I have an Acebeam K40M and it needs a THROWY partner:-)


+2 :bigsmile:

Oh yeah, just remembered - the Courui D01 needs a better thermal path from the emitter. The thin pill/plate that is used in the stock light is not going to work for a hot-rod mod! Some guys have already in the past made and sold replacement pills for this light, so we at least know what we need already. :wink:

So, if we’re in agreement about the BLF Courui D01-SE group buy, who’s gonna be the one to get it going? 8)

Well, I for one like the way you’re thinking, so How About You, David?

Thank you very much!

Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha! :smiley:

Oh wait. You’re serious? :open_mouth:

Sorry, haven’t got the time. If I did have any spare time right now, I’d be working on my contest light. :frowning:

I have been wanting a GB for a Thrower. It seems the magic number for GBs is $20.00 to $30.00 how much can you exect this GB to be?


Actually I Was being serious.

Who more knowledgeable than you, a Man that understands the parameters ahead of time, and (with permission) the driver all sorted out beforehand?

There is Always a way to make more time (is a divorce all that bad?) - Just less of this and less of that in your life, but just think about all of the praise you will receive from the BLF community! - WE are Many, and will support you all the way! - That should be what’s really important to you. - Helping Others.

Hey! - We Love You Man!

I’m Totally Convinced that… You Are Da Man for This!

Just Roll with it man… :slight_smile:


I don’t remember if anyone else has suggested being able to lego X6 or A6 bodies and extensions but it might be nice.

BLF is you. Start a thread and make it happen.

that would sell on a T-shirt….

…on the back of the TK BLF A6-SE UI diagram t-shirt! :wink:

Hmm, spectacular thrower light made to BLF desired specs sounds great!

Good idea!! I will tell Neal. He has some ideas too :)

Very true about the "sweet spot" many and give them away knowing that they cannot be had elsewhere :)

I do not know anything about where this would go BUT...

  • Triples....3 expensive emitters on a board with optics alone is going to run about $40....without the host.
  • Host prototyping is where the money really goes. $600-1000 without even thinking. Do it a few times and we could spend thousands on prototypes. That gets added
  • The list goes on

Not trying to discourage anybody and open dialog is good but bigger-headed lights get expensive quickly. If you know what driver...then look for a ready host. Fastest, cheapest, easiest way.

“Triples….3 expensive emitters on a board with optics alone is going to run about $40….without the host.”


Well, there’s one thing that we don’t have to worry about - A Triple is Not what I would call a Thrower.

There has got to be a good host out there somewhere that we could use as a base… I keep thinking Courui D01, but will they play ball?


Here is a triple that throw’s and Floods!…………………………………………………………………………………………….Fenix Tk75vn XML2 PDT KT burn in edition
Sony vtc5
3184@ turn on
3158@ 30 sec
1598 high
611 mid
17 low
Throw - 341,000 Lux!

Yes Sir!

But, Throwers that also Flood make it awful hard to see down range, with the high foreground brightness blasting me in the face.


Excuse me?

Triple XHP 70 using the LUM 5-90 reflectors and a huge head - 05/06/15 Finished- with beam shots.