ENDED! 3000 Posts - time for a giveaway!

On my left is a thermometer. It’s 14 degrees Celsius; time for a hot mug of tea!

I can see my collection of flashlights sitting on the computer desk. Thanks for the opportunity!

Fat books on the right, mess on the left. I am basically surrounded by even more books and mess :smiley: thanks for the giveaway. Sorry to hear you are unemployed, aber wenn es mehr als genug Geld und Arbeitsstelle fuer tausende der unausgebildeten Fluechtlinge ohne Sprachkenntnisse in Osterreich gibt, (sorry, but that is sadly true for the entire EU. I am actually an immigrant as well at the moment, but I work, live and pay the bills by myself and I moved to my current country without relying on its generosity and social system) findest auch du bestimmt ohne Probleme einen neuen Job ! Ich druecke dir die Daumen!

Wooo! Grats on the 3000th post! I have a longgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg way to go.

To my immediately left is my closet to my man cave. It holds all the stuff I buy from craigslist to sell on eBay to make some extra money to pay for my hobbys.

On my left is a desk far to messy to photograph covered in flash lights, parts of flash lights and other assorted electronics.

On my left is my bed because i am inside my bedroom right now.

i can’t take a photo as i don’t have my camera here right now, but to my left is a window with cold enough temps outside to snow. :party:

Congratulations and thank you for the opportunity!
Great altruism-inducing idea you had there :slight_smile:

On my left I see…. a ton of diapers. Fortunately unused :smiley:

When I look to my left I see a short bookcase with a bluetooth speaker on top.
On top of the speaker is my old Dell Streak 5 phone running Xiia live as a police scanner

Congratulations. When I look left I see my sweet daughter who is falling asleep after a story and I am lying beside her reading on the iPad. Some cute artwork on the wall and that’s about it.

I see a painted wall. :(!


Please enter my post in the giveaway. :slight_smile:

Well, ok, this is what I see if I face left. Glad you didn't ask us to look down. And thanks for the GAW.

Good job reaching 3k
To my left is my bedside table. With my alarm clock,plastic cup of water, lamp, olight s30, cell phone, few dollar bills, my 1911. And my holster.
Thank you for the opportunity

Left? Just a plain white wall. You picked the one direction of nothing.

Thanks for the giveaway.
What I see left and right, o crap, there are flashlights all over my room, I even found one under my pillow (because I don’t have bedside table) :smiley:

Congrats! And thanks.

To my left is the mostly open doorway to a hall leading to our closets and master bathroom … pocket door about 80% or stowed in its slot.

Congratulations on reaching 3000 plus posts and thanks for the giveaway opportunity. Thanks also for the awesome discount codes you and Banggood offer the community.

To my direct left at this moment is a Epson XP-520 printer sitting on a short wooden file cabinet and a 3-foot tall stool and the door to my study/computer room.

When I look to the left, I see the screen of my tablet on my nightstand. Thanks for the giveaway.

Window with screen on my left, door on my right, big mess all around. Between the golf clubs, fishing poles, ski vests and luggage are mass quantities of books, records and just plain old junk. However, I do straighten it all out once a year, when filing my tax returns.

Count me in.

To my left on my desk is my acebeam k40m, my goto perimeter check light.

Congrates, and thanks for the opportunity to win.