Home Depot Deal Alerts & Discussion Thread

But true
Like, 15 years ago a Powerbook was one or two thousand dollars… now they’re worthless and you can get them almost for free.
Which is good. :smiley:
You know, one man’s trash is another’s treasure; When new things come out, old things become unwanted so people toss them out, even though they are still good, so that’s where you go for your treasure.

Yesterday I had to go out and do a return at Costco so I went to a different one just because there would be a different Home Depot right next to it. I found another Leatherman Skeletool on the clearance rack (middle of pic on right side of rack)

The package had been resealed and had a sticker for the original store price of 29.88. It scanned for $7.52

I also found another of the 40 piece Dewalt bits and drills buried in a stack of other Dewalt bits. Scanned for 3.82.

I went to the service desk to see which stores had the Skeletools. They looked it up and said none in the immediate area but they are available online.

It seems that the in store price of $29.88 was cheaper than the online price of $41.03
Then I came across this table up front. On the left is a couple of the Maglite Pro sets that I have been watching since Christmas. The sign says 50% off the clearance price which was $20

The original price for the 2 was $24.98. That was a good deal as is because elsewhere in the store just the AA version light is $26.00

But the AA version and the AAA version for $10 is fantastic. There were only 2 and i grabbed them both.
(other stores still have the pair for $20, i already checked) Something to keep an eye out for.

I also saw poiiy’s mouse traps for 52 cents :SICK:

This is a tire gauge that I actually had already bought at $2.53 at another store. When I got it home I found out that it includes a flashlight and a light up front to help finding the valve stem in the dark. This store didn’t have them at the clearance price of 2.53 but rather 50% off $5.88. Close enough, so I bought another.

One last deal, this set of 4 pliers. It was the last one and had I been 5 minutes later there may have been none.
8” tools, the adjustable wrench opens to 1 1/2 inches.

All of that was yesterday, today I was at my local store and as I walked by the flashlight section I overheard a guy asking about a particular light. He wasn’t able to describe to the HD employee what he was looking for, but I knew. He was looking for the Defiant Armour Max 3D. My store had 2 but they were gone. I showed the guy the picture I had on my phone and he concurred, that is the ONE he is looking for. By now the employee was involved and I’m sure he was surprised at the zeal of the customer and myself over flashlights :wink:
Anyway, the customer asked me how far it “threw” and I said I don’t know but I can zoom in on the pic and see. The HD employee asked if I could zoom in on the SKU # and he would check for stock. I humored him as I KNEW the 2 on display were already gone. I gave him #852-955. He looked up and said “We have lots of those, they’re in the overhead” Next thing I know he is getting the rolling ladder and climbing up above. He found 3 full cases of them! The customer was ecstatic that he found what he came in for. I was ecstatic to know that this store had 3 full cases of a light that will likely see further price decreases. Unless they are brought down onto the floor* they will not sell.* Yummy.
Original price was $29.95 and the current clearance price is $15.00.
I shall be watching and waiting :smiley:

3 full cases in the overhead

Home Depot water bags now 1¢!!!

Today we went to Home Depot and got more of the cups, and while I was there I saw the water bags that i was interested in, in the bottom. They were previously discounted to $2. I got one to check the price, and it appeared as a penny!! :smiley:

Iconic photo, hope you don’t mind if i add it to my signature assuming SB doesn’t make it the official photo of BLF?

I found a lot of the 3D Armor Max (both old & new packaging) and the Energizer lights, but not much else. Well I did get some Husky 15’ long 16/3 extension cords for $3.33ea and an AC USB charger plug rated 2.1A for $3.98.


Mouse traps work

I’m surprised for two reasons, i had some of those cheese pedal traps and they were useless (different brand), and your mouse does not appear to be restrained at all, how is it held?

It seems the trap flipped over and we’re looking at the bottom. The mouse is pinched by the corner of the trap.


laying a corner of a mouse trap on a mouse in the displayed fashion would not hurt it.

That’s it! The photo was staged! I’m boycotting these mousetraps as they obviously don’t work! :slight_smile:


Mine were so stiff i had to push on the trigger with a broom handle with enough force to lift a small cat to set it off. But again different brand. I ended up getting a $5 trap, worked great, mice are gone.

It’s not just laying on it, the trap has sprung and is pinching the abdomen. Perhaps this image will help.

It is in the sprung position, even though the trigger bar appears set. You can see the trigger bar on the left side of the image in question, thus the mouse is pinched between the snap bar and base, but it’s upside down so you can’t see it.


Haha I never thought the mouse catch would bring so much discussion
Nevermind when I said they work… They actually don’t work very well.

Later the same night the trap caught another mouse… or not… It was gone before I got to the trap.
Instead I found the mouse (i think it was the same one) trying to get an avocado seed through a small gap, repeatedly trying to pull it in, making noise. So I rolled the seed away and put a trap in front of the hole, and a few minutes later the trap snapped… when I came to get it, i found the mouse had escaped into its hole.

So the second time, the mouse escaped twice!
And the first time the mouse did not seem very well held down and I was worried it might escape. The first mouse (in the picture) was held on the center by a corner of the killbar.

These mouse traps are too weak!

Heads up, my local Home Depot has the learherman Wingman on clearance for $22. Not a bad price but I’m sure it’ll drop. I went in looking for some of the skeletools (ok, I’d have killed a small mammal just to find ONE) but this is all I could find that was worth looking at.

We are very committed mousers :stuck_out_tongue:

Building a better mousetrap is not just an expression :smiley:

The metal and wood ones work better. If they tend to escape, take the serrated edge from an empty box of tinfoil and use small brads to attach that to the end of the trap. Not sharp enough to stop the mouse from going in but it helps to hold them from slipping out. Also put the traps where the sides are closed in so the mouse has to center itself in the trap to get to the bait. They make some really big traps for rats which can break a human finger when sprung so upsize if your quarry keeps escaping. Sometimes you have to wire or fasten the trap in place or they will run away with the trap on them. Just make doubly sure your pets can’t possibly get to those big traps :open_mouth:


Extreme Sports

why not use humane traps, and release the poor mice out in the woods where they can try to live, and get into the food chain ??

A good trap breaks their neck so that helmet should not work

Tried it, complete fail, they would not go in, and once it did and escaped.

excuse is not believable. use humane traps. release out in woods.