US - Defiant "Super Thrower" 3C (New Model - +/-64mm Head XM-L) - Get To Home Depot Now!

Yeah, I have. Once I get one I'll probably do the same along with sole lux readings.

Please do not do that. If you screw it up just swap in a different emitter.

Today is Saturday, and I thought well lets try 1 more Home Depot. I had already been to 3 with no luck. At this now 4th HD I did the usual, went to the service desk and told them a friend bought one, liked it a gave me the SKU # (they love to get SKU #’s, makes their job so easy). They looked it up and said yep we got em, 35 of em. You’ll find them over there in isle 11. They spoke with such confidence and authority, I really thought I would finally get 1. Went to Isle 11 and noticed that’s were the flashlights are, but NADA on this Defiant. Just then the hardware employee asked if he could help, I told him the story and gave him the SKU. Just like the others he sprung into action, used the phrase “it doesn’t have a home” and said it must be up top. He spent about 30 seconds looking then turned to me and said that he was sorry he couldn’t find them and offered to give me a discount on another light! I of course said no, but I wanted to push a little harder and said are you sure they are here. He showed me his scanner and that his store had 35. As he scrolled I noticed that all the other stores in the area had 35 also, but one had only 31! How long does it take for anyone reading this to know what THAT means. You got it, I called that store, gave them the info and the guy looked in the flashlight section but nothing. He offered that it had to be that they were in their own display and if I gave him my number he would walk the store an find them. 10 minutes later he called me and said that he found them over by the door knobs, yep we have 31 of them. I drove over and 20 minutes later I bought 2. Whew

BTW, we are lucky here in Connecticut, I count 10 HD’s with 15 miles of our house.
Also I was able to save 5% by using my Home Depot credit card, so as of now I am in the lead for the lowest price paid :slight_smile:

No, that is a 12K resistor (unless it’s a 1% resistor, those use a funky value code)… way too big for a sense resistor.

The 9435 chip is a P-channel MOSFET. It is used as a power switch so that the clicky does not pass the full LED current.

The LED is direct drive. You can’t get any higher output with a normal driver. The only driver mod that might make sense would be a buck-boost driver.

Thanks texaspyro….so if it is direct drive, increasing the voltage will increase the current to the emmiter(within limits of course)?Just thinking out loud here, I wonder if 4 nimh sub C’s would fit in the battery tube?

After you do that will you remove the dome from the LED? J)

I’ll try, but my hands might be too slippery!(just like where this thread is heading!) :open_mouth:

Yes, but past 4.4V the light output starts dropping. See my test data in: US - Defiant "Super Thrower" 3C (New Model - +/-64mm Head XM-L) - Get To Home Depot Now!

Here's the link for the inventory checker to find these elusive lights.

Specs: 493 Lumens, Cree XM-L LED, 5-hr runtime
Price: $22.97
SKU: 639226

Just enter the SKU # and Store number

(if you don't know the store number, Google "Home Depot" , select "Find a Store" mine are 4 digits.

I hope this helps.

I got it off but can’t get it turned on anymore!Oh well….my first de-dome was not a sucess.Now…do I exchange the broken one for a new one…or install a different emmiter?I wonder if an xpg r5 w/2 amp driver would be a worth-while venture for this light?Can I even get an XP-g on a star this size(I’m not brave enough to do a reflow)?I hate it when I break stuff!!

Try an XP-G2 at 2.5A!


If I can find an XP-G2 on the correct star that would be kind of neat…wonder what the beam would look like with this reflector.Also, what is the max current the XP-G2 can handle….might try it DD with NiMh?

It should work, I’ve got one pulling 2a where am xm-l used to pull 2.5a, its very throwy.

Gary, ah… :open_mouth:

Explain this. Doesn’t the amperage the led will use in a direct drive setup, depend on the led? What if one XM-L has a lower Vf than another? I don’t see where having a driver wouldn’t be better. If I put a driver in there pushing 4 amps to the led, then why would I not see more output that DD with three Alkalines?

I hate being stupid and when it comes to the whole damn concept of electronics, I'm as dumb as a rock. I swear if modding this thing does nothing, I'm going to......

A buck driver doesn’t push, it pulls (as in pulls down) from whatever DD would give, A boost driver could push it to whatever over what DD would do.
I think, maybe I’m wrong

texaspyro wrote:
“The 9435 chip is a P-channel MOSFET. It is used as a power switch so that the clicky does not pass the full LED current.”

I took mine apart, the switch comes before the driver, all the current going to the led goes through the switch. I don’t see how the MOSFET spares the switch of LED current. There is no alternate path around the switch that can get turned on by the MOSFET

I don’t understand

Surely we can crank this thing up to a more respectable 750 to 800 lumens!

Rick, search Matches test of the XP-G2. I think 2.5A was max output.


Why did I have to read this thread? I just got my Trustfire x6 in the mail today…Must resist…

Past around 3.5 amps the XML on this thing starts losing output due to die heating. With a copper heatsink and all that jazz, you could do better. The XML is probably pumping out around 900 lumens, but the optics eat a lot of that.

Was anyone able to find this in any of the NJ stores?

Just got mine, they had to get down the box for me. :D I like it, in my integrating bathroom it does 521 lumens so this confirms the specs are good. I'm gonna do some lux measurements later tonight.