What you got today

I got this really cool tactical flashlight today with a 45 caliber 10 shot attachment.


Just got a Romisen/CREE model RC-R5, XP-G AA/14500. I see these are not held in particularly high regard, and there are certainly better pocket rockets, but it seems reasonably bright and generally OK if it were not for an occasionally finicky switch. Time will tell for a final verdict, though. At $12.80 shipped, I don't feel like a got scalped too badly.


WOW!!!! I want one!!!!

Not as exciting as E1320's purchase, I got my Makita MAC700 Compressor today. Look out dusty computers!!!

Is it oil lubricated? Oil does not cause shorts, but it does help collect dust.

It is oil lubricated, but since it's new and wont get a ton of use, I'm sure it won't have much if any oil blow-by. I'll keep my eye on it :)

I got a Keygos KE-5 and another KE-2 and the KE-2 is brighter. The Trustfire Z1 is not very bright at all and very disappointed for $31.00 and bummed about the KE-5 I've read so many good things about it.


Got it from Amazon for $17.98 Free Shipping

I've read good & bad, so the first thing I will do is strip it down and look everything over for bad soldering or errors, before I ever power it up. I hope it's one of the ones they actually put together correctly from the chinese factory. I've never had a variable gun due to cost, but I will take a chance. Worst case I can always send it back.

Looks just like my Weller 100 soldering station except for the color. Mine ran me $50 for the original. If that one works as well then you got a bargain. Enjoy!

It's been a warm week in November. I got a UF 5-mode warm drop-in from Manafont today.

I got a high CRI Preon 2 and a WW Dry triple XM-L yesterday.

ThruNite Catapult V3

Today I received the KD C8 I bought to give to my son.

What a great dad you are!

I'm sure you already know this, but make sure you stop all fans from moving before you blow air through them. I've destroyed quite a few fans that way - their bearings really don't like doing 100,000 rpm.

Got a charger I ordered for someone, some lube, a BLF lanyard and another T6 drop-in. I can't find that "what you did today" thread so I'll post what I did this evening:

Finally found my orbital from the move so, got caught up making some to replace the few that have found new homes and new flashlights to make pretty.


finally... happy camper :)

got it from FP for 37 and change... (pressure switch is from other vendor)

its jetbeam RRT-21 it was discussed here https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/4524

Hey Don thanks! This is why I set my regulator to 50 working lbs and hold the fan blades in place while cleaning them. One thing I forgot to mention I use dual water/oil filters to keep excessive moisture and residual oil from contaminating the parts. I've been repairing electrical equipment most of my adult life so I do have a bit of experience :)