Father's day Group buy on Sunwayman V11R is ON !

Getting a "Without this coupon." message whenever I try to apply the code.

coupon is BGV11R , and don't left the space

My bad, clicked the link to the WB website from the post... no wonder it didn't work.

Order placed, and thank you.

I’ve bought a Cool White unit.
Thanks for the group buy.

Many thanks for setting this up. Just ordered a NW one. :slight_smile:




Can I buy one? Didn't tell that in my earlier posts.. $45 is very low

just use the coupon

Code won’t work for me

can u try again, it shoud no space

I mean I'm not in the list of people who said they want one... still okay to buy?

yes, the list are less than 20 people, so u can

I was using the link to purchase and it was taking me to the wrong website. Had to use Banggood.com. Everything worked ok

Site is not loading for me

Nor me.

Worked for me through here Tested and the checkout worked fine for me.

Yep, working again.

Resistance is futile

Done, thanks Day Lighter for organising, and thanks Neal, $45 is a better price than we had hoped for. I was in at $50. By the time I cconvert, the amount I paid in my currency was still just under $50 anyway, WOOT!!

Ordered V11R NW, thanks a lot Day Lighter, $ 45,00 is a very verry good price.