Group Buy-BLF X6-SE OP update-GB over.

MountainMan here again, I’m originally #468 for 1 NW, please sign me up for 3 more NW if I could.
In short form, sell me 4 Natural Whites and no one gets hurt! :bigsmile:
And once again, thank you very much to all who are putting time and energy into this amazing product!

Well, its not math, and if it were math, it should be ± anyways right? So maybe not technically accurate, but I see it used that way in writing online commonly when there is nothing in front of it, is all I was saying. Isn’t it used that way down there? I seem to see +/- and ~ used interchangeably in writing all the time here.

Unless you all were trying to be sticklers, like a grammar and spelling Leutnant :wink: … of course I cant tell if the ones who responded are really confused or just having fun? Can’t tell online, but I’ll still take lights for -$20 ($20 paid to me), not joking around on that. :smiley:

If he used $20, we could also use math logic and ask him “why is it NOT $20?” or maybe “why are you asking me to rise in pitch when I say $20?” or maybe “why is someone opening the Word doc 20?” (you know$20.doc), I’m sure there is more to find to confuse it with too…but to me it seems there is only one logical conclusion the way he wrote it.

I believe that the clearest usual format is $xx /- $xx such as $20/- $3 to express a possible range of $17 to $23. If not limiting the range then $20 /- also indicates a median price of $20 with a unspecified fudge factor. A listing of/- $20 is unclear while the prior listing formats are clearer. Bort is right that the +/- $20 version could include a interpretation that they will ship YOU a light plus $20 though that is very unlikely in the real world unfortunately.

When dealing with non native English language speakers, and with the current educational system in the USA unfortunately many native English speakers, you need to try and interpret the most likely meaning rather than literally accept things as written. In some cases they are using a translation program so like in the old joke “Out of sight, out of mind” becomes, after back and forth machine translations, “Invisible, insane”.

If the programmers of “Watson” at IBM were given the assignment of coming up with a best possible language translation program then I suspect that machine translation could be a lot more advanced than it is.

Have I jumped the gun if I say that someone else jump the gun when they accused someone of jumping the gun by using accusing else of jumping the gun or have I gone too far with that?
As for the whole +/- debacle, just, wow……

Also I’m number 420.
Can you add 1 cw also please.
May as well have 1 of each :slight_smile:

I think this explains a lot about this thread:

(Flavor text: Our brains have just one scale, and we resize our experiences to fit.)

Pass the mayo, please.

Well I was having fun with possible other conclusions supported by logic that are just as valid and just as wrong, and since others seem to be too, let me continue with proper decorum! What I was saying is, of course the literal interpretation of What is Written is not correct, and is a typo that people commonly make in many texts, even the annals of The Tome of Origin, otherwise known as BLF. So we are left to deduce what the mythical Kronological meant, back in the times of the Origin of the EagleEye, the most famous of the Bringers of Light, when hopes were full and the lights were pure, natural pearly white and cold alabaster white, both splitting the darkness with their magnificent brilliance (one year past this date is: 1 O.E.).

If you are reading most correctly, what exactly has “/-$20” appended to it is unspecified, so it literally is “unknown + or minus $20”, if you are going to be strictly adherent to details of that particular entry in the ancient text of EagleEye Origins only. Therefore, we have no clue what the price would be since a crucial detail is omitted, and $2000-$2040 is just as valid of an assumption as any other number. Also, you can just as validly interpret The Tome and say/-$20 can mean JUST +/-$20, so its ”either of 2 prices, plus $20, or minus $20 to an unknown number”, then it could be “$2000 OR $2040” but not $2020 in that example.

Logical deduction needs to be used since the ancient Apostles of EagleEye did not write clearly. From what we know in the Ancient Tome of Brilliance, before this entry of note, approximate pricing was yet again unclear, however it was approximated many times the ATB. Also, due to the general prices of similar items in the time of Kronological and Beloved EagleEye, we already know several things can be eliminated. We know it cant be $0-40, because nobody in the Cradle of Origin (also referred to as China in the tome) would make any precious currency at $0 through at least $10, though we cannot fully appreciate the exact rituals and labors involved by the People in the Cradle of Origin to make such a thing as a blessed Bringer of Light, EagleEye. We also know that $35-40 is not reasonable amount of currency based on similar Bringers of Light of which we know in The Tome of Origin. Thusly, we can deduce that if parts of the range make no sense, it must not be the correct meaning.

If we go with the most technically correct interpretation of transcriptions of The Tome of Origin, we know that translation of meaning as “$unknown plus or minus $20” is also not a reasonable price range worthy of transcription into The Tome of Origin, because essentially any price is possible then, and no acolytes or neophytes of Light would need be studying the Tome for such irrelevant details. We also know it cant be “either of two prices based on a number plus or minus $20”, that makes no sense, there is no basis for adding only $20 or subtracting only $20 in any context for dealings with the People in the Cradle of Origin, unless this be a Coupon of Worthiness, and such is not mentioned in the Origin of EagleEye.

So logic says its a “typo” of normal convention in The Ancient Tome of Origin and should be translated as “$20, plus or minus a relatively small amount”. However, there is one other grand possibility, that the Ancient Kronological in all his wisdom was enlightening us that the Bringer of Light EagleEye is actually priceless, and adding or subtracting $20 to its value is of complete irrelevance! Only time will tell, how many will see the Light, and will the Bringer of Light EagleEye’s price point prevail?

very nice, glad we are not paying by the word :wink:

Methinks yallst be gettin yer kicks at the expense of this “ancient” and “mythical” kronological feller…

Just to clear things up, price will be less than $100.00. Special price for Bort: $200 (in USD…of course). :stuck_out_tongue:

Bort feels special :stuck_out_tongue:

Why does Bort get mates rates and not the rest of us? Not fair.

Ooooh, special!!
Now I wants!

MRsDNF gets to pay it forward to the next 10 in line 0:)


I don’t want to be accused of bias. Therefore…in the spirit of cooperation…I hereby extend the Bort rate to ALL the know-it-alls on BLF. :bigsmile:

… $180 profit x 637 = $114,660. Wow! Hey Krono, don’t forget who your friends are buddy! :bigsmile:

I think that I just joined the Know Nothings!

You have it all wrong DBC. When you get an item at mates rates there is no profit. I'm sorry if your a little confused.