Group Buy-BLF X6-SE OP update-GB over.


The ‘latest’ list I’ve seen is pretty incomplete by now. Has anyone been keeping up? Or, would someone have the time and be willing to catch it up?

I’m pretty sure that asking a question about a group buy belongs in the thread associated with that group buy, but I could be wrong.
Nobody is using anything or trying to beat anything out of anyone.

I didn’t email anyone seeking information, neither did I try and hurry anything along.
I’ll make it clear that I’m not in a hurry for this light, I don’t mind waiting another six months.
I don’t care what the final price will end up being, and wouldn’t expect anything especially from someone who doesn’t have it.
Not after a refund, an apology, an explanation and have all the time in the world.
Nothing will be ruined by asking a question about a group buy, in the thread associated with that group buy, then giving an explanation as to why that question was asked.

The light will be ready when it’s ready, it will cost whatever it happens to cost, and I’ll wait for as long as I have to wait.

No big deal.

So is it ready yet? :bigsmile:

My appologies since the above was a complete fabrication and no money was ever spent or emails sent going around/over/behind anyone here. 0:)

I’d still like a WW or two by my name :wink:

Aghhh, I can’t resist. If I’m not too late here then put me down for 1 NW.

The trustfire A8 was the only BLF light I haven't bought ...But I made up for it by buying the eastward yj-j09 which was the BLF light that was never made .

Reviewing the first original post:

> I am willing to take more time to evaluate this light and
> make it worthy of carrying the BLF logo.
> So…everyone relax and please be be patient. Smile
> Cheers/krono


GB price will be +/-$20[/quote

very good deal tyvm :slight_smile:

How can they make a profit at -$20 :stuck_out_tongue:

I think he means it’s the price on the website $28.50 +/-$20

thats worse, $48.50 maximum, and i would still be shocked to see a price of $8.50

I’ll buy as many -$20 lights as you want to sell, even if its a non working light! (thats you give me $20 for the purchase. )

But yeah generally +/- means plus or minus aka “around $20”, which is what has been talked about from the start.

Offer is still good to send me $20 with any light you want though :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

I am glad Neal confirmed the price at under $20 meeting the original commitment.

I thought around $20 would be marked as ~$20

Add one more NW for me, please. That makes total 2NW + 1CW.

I was hoping to pay in clams

If I would of opened a savings account with $5 at the start of this thread I could afford one of these off the interest alone by the time it’s time to pay!

But then that means i am paying $20 plus this light, i prefer if you send me $20 and this light

you saved me typing this

i don’t think clams are legal tender, however i can pay in Zimbabwe dollars, i think i have a few billion put aside

that depends, if you bought oil futures your not doing so good right now, however give it a few years and you will be able to buy the entire production run

I kinda feel like a bandwagon jumper, but this sounds like it will be a great light.
I’m in for 1 NW. Cant wait to read the reviews on the new samples.
Thanks for all your work, Krono and friends.