(Closed)-Group Buy-BLF Edition,Lumintop SD10.

It’s based on this post, may be when there’s confusion between giveaway thread and group buy thread.
Already edited.


No wwefans said there were 2 chances in each threads.. So I posted in 2 threads.. maybe the rules were not clear.

Sorry about the confusion.

Yes, indeed there’s confusion on that time. There’s explanation in OP about this matter after that.

My name is at #38 could you please delete me from the list and give my spot to someone else.

Give it to me please! I will send the money tomorrow.

I have #73&74

Wrong Thread

Is this open or closed? If it’s open, I’m in for a NW.

Still one left, I put you onl the list (#64)

Update list per post #537

1. Boro - NW - Paid
2. Boro - NW - Paid
3. peterscm - NW - Paid
4. DBSAR - NW - Paid
5. 264 - - Paid
6. leaftye - -
8. Chicken Drumstick - -
9. jmpaul320 - NW - Paid
10. antiparanoico - NW - Paid
11. sandanbob - NW - Paid
12. unknown00101 - NW
13. saypat - -
14. troisanh - CW - Paid
15. dthrckt - NW - Paid
16. DrJones - NW - Paid
17. Tumbleweed48 - NW - Paid
18. Richie086 - NW - Paid
19. Calmaja - NW - Paid
20. DavidEF - NW - Paid
21. hanshanshans - NW + CW - Paid
22. allthumbs - NW - Paid
23. TexasToasted - NW - Paid
24. ezarc - NW - Paid
25. light dispels darkness - NW - Paid
26. vex_zg - NW - Paid
27. jdunlap27284 - CW - Paid
28. theoldbill - CW - Paid
29. Joat - NW - Paid
30. Jack83 - CW - Paid
31. Infinite - NW - Paid
32. Shur - NW - Paid
33. Shur - CW - Paid
34. mikeyx - NW -
35. hyde - NW - if Christmas is possible
36. hyde - NW - if Christmas is possible
37. Werner - NW - Paid
38. L4M4 - NW
39. Serifus - NW -
40. Serifus - NW -
41. Moved to 21 Paid
42. magnet - CW - Paid
43. TheGloriousTachikoma - NW - Paid
44. Paranid - NW - Paid
45. Cereal Killer - NW - Paid
46. _the_ - NW - Paid
47. _the_ - NW - Paid
48. _the_ - NW - Paid
49. _the_ - NW - Paid
50. _the_ - NW - Paid
51. zelee - NW - Paid
52. wedlpine - NW -
53. dthrckt - NW - Paid
54. JohnnyMac - NW - Paid
55. syracuse - NW - Paid
56. meteorxs - NW - Paid
57. GeoCan46 - NW - Paid
58. Jubeldum - CW - Paid
59. carmantl - NW -
60. gehrmo - CW - Paid
61. dthoang - NW -
62. Racer - -
63. samgalax - -
64. dangerous - NW -
65. tirma - -
66. Fox - -
67. dthoang - CW -
68. xelario - CW - Paid
69. Boaz - NW - if 5D2 or 4D tint
70. kst - NW -
71. Frankie Baby - NW - Paid
72. Frankie Baby - NW - Paid
73. L4M4 - NW - Paid
74. L4M4 - NW - Paid
75. RonMuller - NW - Paid
76. RonMuller - NW - Paid
77. captainwatty - NW - Paid
78. captainwatty - NW - Paid
79. Infiltrator - NW -
80. djozz - NW - Paid
81. xed888 - NW -
82. baldo21 - CW - Paid
83. SoulCraves NW - Paid
84. kronological - - Paid
85. Tom E - NW - Paid
86. khas - NW - Paid
87. khas - NW - Paid
88. iron potato - NW - Paid
89. rjorge - NW - Paid
90. antiparanoico - CW -
91. hideehoo - NW - Paid
92. cscosx - NW - Paid
93. Gj - NW - Paid
94. Gj - NW - Paid
95. Angel Martinez - NW - Paid
96. Hell2Pay - NW - Paid
97. Hell2Pay - NW - Paid
98. Gerrit - NW - Paid
99. Robshare - NW - Paid
100. Stittville Ed - NW - Paid

Now not available anymore. If there are any interested, I’ll put on reserve list, so in case have any withdraw can take it.


Number 38 also in NW please :slight_smile:

When you get the samples and everything is good, how long will it take for the 100 to be sent out?

#16 - I paid some days ago.

26650 sleeves are not available even for an extra fee, right?

According to schedule in OP, roughly one week after that.

Yes, that’s right. Can use 1” pvc pipe as sleeve.

  1. Payment sent CW!

Thanks Rey!

Wish you had a nice weekend.

Thanks so much,Calmaja

Sorry my laptop has been dead for month,and I'm not going to buy a new one before new year comes.

Please forgive my late response.

All the best


Hi Calmaja, just joined, am I too late for the GB? Ideally an NW, let me know thanks.

Hi, as update list on post 488, right now not available.
I put you on reserve list, in case have any withdraw I’ll put you on main list. Thanks.

Sorry, I was found that I urgently need money this month. Could you delist #79. Thanks

By the way:Infiltrator, do you want my slot?

Ok, already update the list, thanks.

Already put in the list, #79.

Paypal sent. NW. (#10)