Shooting rats with IR/Night Vision.

I'm very interested in that too. Maybe a C8 with an aspheric lens?

wahoowad, it’s real grossing me out seeing the rats touching your air rifles!! EWwww man!! :_( lol

A T20 with an osram 4715s, mounted on a berquist pcb, screwed down to a fastech brass pill, with a 1000mA driver will suffice for up to and including modest centerfire ranges. you will need a three mode or ramping driver, sometimes tthe tube type NV rigs get whiteout from upclose structures.


Will the OSRAM solder down to a XP-G solder pad?

Would this be better, the above Vf is 1.5vdc, this one is 2.9vdc (closer to the 3.3vdc output of the 7135 LDO’s)

And it’s in stock

The sfh-4715s is the emitter that you want, not the 4715. It will solder to a an xp footprint but beware that the thermal slug and the anode are electrically connected so DTP pcb’s such as SinkPad and Noctigon will not work unless electrically isolated. The Berquist stars are the best performers.

got a link to the proper Berquist star?


Still don’t understand (from the data sheet)
Thermal Impedance of FR4 compared to MP

Is the star built the same as normal cheap Chinese stars with the FR4 thermal layer under the slug, or do they have some sort of proprietary thing going on?

buddy of mine is going to order some of those emitters and stars…he has the GEN III NVG’s will build em up for him and let him test em out

The best NVG illuminator that I have seen is an incandescent mini-maglight with an IR filter. It blows away all the IR emitters that I have tested.


All the parts are ordered - except for the parts for the lights.

To make sure I don't screw up - and sum up the info in the thread before I place an order:

Host: Uniquefire UF-T20 ( besides this thread, also recommended over at )

(I read somewhere that you should buy from wallbuys as the fasttech one has a plastic lens - can't find the thread though)

Led: Osram Opto SFH 4715S

( why not the Osram Opto SFH 4715A ? )

Board: Bergquist ( any better alternatives?)

Driver: No idea :-p - I would like 2 or 3modes. Low, Full / Low, Medium, Full

Oh - and i made a fantastic sketch for the housing of the camera :-p

I found this:
Nanjg AK-47A

any thoughts?

Very good ATtiny13 driven driver 1050mA, more or less a lower power Nanjg 105C.

Very good drivers

Thanks! I'll ad that to my "to-buy" list then :-)

And if someone could help me understand the differences between these two Osrams.

Osram Opto SFH 4715S

Osram Opto SFH 4715A

I can see that there are small differences in their specs. But most of them I do not understand, and what impact it will have on batterytime, temperature, brightness and so on.

What I do understand is that the 4715A has a lower Vf at 1A (1.65 vs 2.9) and thereby the driver will get hotter. Right?

And the 4751A has a Radiant intensity of 430 vs 440 from the 4715S.

And this made me laugh! :-D

Although i hate the rats because of the damage they create, and the deceases they can spread, I think it's a fascinating and cool creature. Their intelligence and ability to adapt to environments, and their resilience to deceases and poison is incredible.

Some time ago the guy who normally takes care of the traps forgot to empty them - meaning a couple of rats died from thirst in the traps. He shrugged "just rats" - which made me really mad. Although they are a plague they have a nervous system like ours, and feel pain, and probably fear similar to how we do.

But felt kind of silly "watering up" of anger/sympathy for some dead rats :-p

Got this reply from

SFH 4715S it is then. Thanks for the help inhere as well! :nerd_face:

Well ...

Can anyone identify what board this is, and how it compares to the Bergquist board? (click image for link)

Bergquist stars are just plain MCPCBs, no DTP. Any olson star should be about the same as a bergquist. Those that sell IR builds using a particular star might talk up that star but if its not DTP its nothing special.

Good PCP conversion :slight_smile: I have the same, also PCP but 22cu hpa, 930fps with jsb 15.89gr :evil: Speed yours?

My guilty pleasure is watching Ted’s Holdover he has a collection of awesome pre-charged rifles and a camera attached to his scope that is a cool combination. The rifle in the video is about $1500 more than I’m willing to spend.

Yeah, I have seen that guys video’s, love watching the trajectory of the pellets as it hits the targets

Does he list his camera mounting equipment to his scopes?

I can’t count the times I have followed his links and dreamed of winning the lottery. Sorry Hesbech, that isn’t helping but the mount for the camera might be helpful.

My local Zoo is the Sacramento Zoo, 8 years ago it had a rat problem- I sure it still does but I have not seen any on our latest visits. We used to see who could spot the most rats. I would have gladly payed them to let me zap those little buggers.