Harbor Freight Deal Alerts & Discussion Thread

I made a convenient paper that you should always have when you go to Harbor Freight.


It can be even sneakier than that… the wire may not be pure copper. When I checked some Chinese wire, it had 3 times the resistance of pure copper. A lot of it was magnetic!. It may look / measure like 14 ga wire, but electrically it was 18 ga.

…which is why I’m buying these super-cheap extension cords specifically to use with low-wattage LED lighting. Handy for outdoor Christmas lights, and good for LED work lights. Probably less good for heavy shop equipment, like saws? :wink:

No, the cheap cords are easier to saw through… :party:

We’ve used power tools on 16AWG extension cords from wolmart and had no problems… extension cord doesn’t get very hot.

Just bought 2 of the 44” rolling tool chests last weekend. Kind of astonished how good they are for $350.

The first one was bought for my son. I had a large old L shaped tabletop laying around and used the first 44” chest (casters removed) along with an 18” side chest as the base for the tabletop. It’s going to be Lego, wooden train, and hot wheels storage until he’s old enough to use it as his workbench with tools.

I was impressed enough to go back and get a second one for the garage, probably because of toolbox envy. I’ve been wanting to upgrade for years, so when the wife said I should think about getting one for myself I was out the door before she finished her sentence.

Here’s MINE in the garage, it’s partly loaded up. I’m currently painting a 3/4” piece of plywood to be the top so I can mount my sanding/grinding equipment. I’ll probably add a roll-up vinyl cover to protect the drawers from collecting dust while I’m grinding.

Must be contagious. I want one of these for my workshop now. That could almost replace my workbench! Forget painting plywood; you need a scrap section of Laminated countertop for that…

Interesting :smiley:

See?, I told you guys. Those U.S. General Rollaways are GOOD!

Here I am quoting myself from post #26 HERE
(Is that as bad as talking to myself?) :smiley:

I want to get several of those, that would straighten me right up.

“A place for everything, and everything in it’s place”

Trouble is, right now I don’t have a place for everything…….including those U.S. General roll aways.

Nah, plywood is better for my uses. I’m going to be mounting equipment that vibrates and that I’ll be putting pressure on, plywood will hold screws better. Combine that with hot sparks melting the laminate top = ugly and nearly uncleanable top after a few months.

What is the old speaker, Pioneer, Kenwood or Mach 1 maybe?

Muto has an eagle eye. It’s a Fisher ST-730. I’m running a pair of them off a 50W Ant class T amp. They get plenty loud enough to drown out the CNC mill when no one is home and I can crank it.

Funny, I was expecting someone to comment on the 1405, being a flashlight forum and all. :bigsmile:

Eagle eye? I saw that speaker too!
I didn’t want to comment anything about your shop but since others are doing it I might as well…
What’s with the electric box on the left with the DC fan with the oversized grill? Is that a Bitcoin mine or something?

It’s the power control box for my mill. It’s got the transformer, VFD, relays, servo speed controller, servo drivers, big caps, etc. Control is done through Mach 3 on a Windows PC.

Funny you mention bitcoin mining. I just sold 14 video cards, 5 motherboards, and 4 power supplies for my dad who (almost) got out of the mining game. He’s still got 2 small miners running.

Was it profitable?

If he holds onto his coins long enough for them to quadruple in value, yes, maybe. :frowning:

He did gets some handmade knives for the money he got from the video cards though. :bigsmile:

ZOMG! I got my first free item coupon from the email!!! :smiley:


That LED light is actually pretty cool… especially at that price… :money_mouth_face:
I have one, it’s a nice portable work light with a magnet on the back, and a hanger.

Those two coupons are now on HFQPDB.

I recently noticed the warning sticker on the new hammer we got from Harbor Freight tools.

Notice the first line:
“1. Do not strike any surface other than face.”
According to this, I must not strike any surface, except someone’s face. So this hammer can only be used for smashing peoples’ faces.

Rule #2 reinforces this:
“2. Do not strike against hardened surface.”
So I cannot use this hammer to hammer in nails or pound chisels. Nor faces that are hardened. I can only use this hammer to pound soft faces.