Lumitact G700 Flashlight Video Review with no Navy Seals

Hey there BLF! Thanks to Yourrid and Slim Pickins, I have put together the Ultimate G700 review. Whether it’s the Lumitact G700 or Shadowhawk X800, it’s sure to be shocking! I compare the light to the mostly similar Meco from Banggood which is about $6 shipped. There is some slightly NSFW language in the review, so if a few bad words offend- you might want to turn down the volume or read a review about a real flashlight. I tried to have fun with this. I don’t think there’s any more to say about this light, but to thank all those involved in organizing this. Thanks guys!

Also known as:

Lumitact G700
Brightmax 3000
Shadowhawk X800
LightStrike 300
Nitghthawk Flashlight

Best ever tactical movements while holding the best ever flashlight of the best navy seals. It hurts, but it’s so good. Thanks <:-)

It can’t be true that the Lumitact G700 isn’t what it’s claimed to be. We all know that nothing can be put on the Internet unless it’s totally true. The reviewed light is probably just a slightly defective one. >-)

Thanks for the entertaining review :slight_smile:

Great review. How many names are there for the same light?

Lumitact G700
Brightmax 3000
Shadowhawk X800
LightStrike 300 Rated #1 by Military, Swedish design and construction. yeah baby!
any others?

Dude, You are Messed UP!

The Jacking Action at 4:20 is worth the price of admission alone!
Great job on the review.

Great review as always! $50,000 on film school? Money well spent I say! :wink:

One word of warning. Many of the site will spam the $%&# out of you with only one visit.

Great job on this review ! Very entertaining !! Loved it!!!
Gonna show the guys at work that have asked me about this POS.

Sweet tactical movements bro! :smiley:

Nice job.

Holy crap I was waiting for this one and I’m pretty satisfied. The tactical moves are superb! A comparison with real lights would have been great, though… :slight_smile:

I was a little beat up after the review, but I think it helped the overall testing.

That’s it! I just got a factory second!

It’ll probably be outdated in a week because of the name change.

I pushed it a bit more than usual, with this one.

If you say!

Make sure they understand no Navy Seals were hurt in this review.

I was trying to keep it a bit shorter than usual. Thanks!

Great review, even my girlfriend loved it (the review, not the lights, she finds my hobby at most amusing). I hope this review will serve its purpose, and if not, at least many people will have fun watching it :slight_smile:

I haven’t showed my wife yet!

Great review! Hit all the high points (and low points).

It’s ironic that this google ad appeared when I viewed the video:

Link takes you to this website:


Nice! I think it shows up on my blog too!

Nice video. With those tactical moves you could open up the Mhanlen School of Tacticalness, everyone who passes could receive the awesome G700 as a graduation gift to go with their awesome new skillz!

OMG my dreams of owning a navy seals light have been shattered!!! :-((

Thanks for the review, maybe you should create a tag at the bottom of your post with all the known names of the light so google can find it and display it as top results…

We couldn’t have chosen a better person to review this light. Well done mhanlen I always enjoy your reviews!!

great job!
now watch the marketing crooks steal frames from this video for their ads.

I dream of being half as tactical as mhanlan

Well done.