OOH Joechina, that would be awesome! Thanks!

I’d be interested, put me down for 1

Welcome to BLF!
Cool that you dedicate one of your first posts to the Q8.
I think you’ll be holding the Jaxman Z1 a lot sooner though :wink:
Will update OP later!

Two questions:

1 - Battery check is different in Ramping and Modes, right? Tripple click works only in ramping?

Yes - double-clicks and triple-clicks are not well compatible with regular mode set operation. I always hated just because I could click fast, the darn thing confused it with a double-click. For ramping though, there's no fast clicking done in normal operation, so double-clicks and triple-clicks can't get confused (unintentional behavior). This is all part of the reason why "Ramping" and "Mode Set" operations are completely different, very different philosphies. Initially I was gonna try to keep the advanced features operationally identical, but it just didn't feel right, and again, can produce unintentional consequences, which I have as high priority to avoid.

2 - In Modes: "Mode Set Operation: From OFF, a click goes to 1st mode, while a click&hold (~1/3 sec) goes to last mode. " It is unclear if "first mode" "last mode" is from the chosen modes list . I guess "first mode" could also be memorised mode (if enabled)?

First mode is the first mode of the mode set you chosen - it could be moon mode. I can't say it's always moon, or always low. After all, if you have a 7 mode set plus moon selected, what do you call them? This is based on the classic "Werner UI" and operates the same way. There are a lot of direct implementations of this, and some with a twist. Narsil has a twist from the standard Werner UI - you lock in the mode you are on after a short delay, and once you are locked in, a single click turns the light OFF. I felt a single click to turn the light OFF was very important - one of the top priorities of this UI.

The "memory mode" in mode set operation is not recommended. I found it difficult, and directly opposed to the philosophy of the Werner UI, where you always know how the light will start when you click it. I should have taken the feature out altogether, but thought maybe someone somewhere might find it to their liking.

This was brought to my attention based on a comment that I made. I’m in. It appears that I just jumped into the deep end. :smiley:

Yeah, incredible doesn’t begin to describe this forum.

heheh cool.
But this will take a while before you hold it :wink:

So now that we’re well over 400, and to my untrained eye, it looks like 90% of the grunt-work is done… what kind of timeline are we looking at for prototype delivery and eval? Can we even hazard a guess as to first run delivery? I was hoping for November (or should I put that out of my mind).

Yes out idea is kind of put into specs.
Communication is hard and not fast
Thanks to Jack-bkk we have a Chinese translation of the specs as well and that is emailed to Thorfire to avoid confusion.

We have received several versions of the Q8 in CAD drawings, yet there was a lot wrong and improvements are going slow.

Luckily we just proges on other parts.
Tom E has send out some Narsil drivers and feedback is coming in, software is being tweaked.
Djozz has a quote for the ledboard DTP design with some nice technical drawings from the manufacturer, this too is send to Thorfire.
The V3 version of the driver board is uploaded to Oshpark and on order for new driver prototypes.

I have no idea what the time frame is, we do want it next week, but rather do as much digital before making the step to prototypes.

I figure that with the Narsil testing and well though out designs things could go pretty fast if all is merged into a set of good digital schematic and Thorfire can plan the Q8.
But really at this stage we are not at that point and it is impossible to indicate when it will be ready.

I would like to get 2 more lights, so 4 in total.

As Flashy Mike said…put me down for two more total 4. See how that works. Very much looking forward to this light! (leroycp add two) Thank you

Yes will update OP later!

Copy all. I’m a very simple man, and because of that, some of my worldly material possessions have kept me up at night waiting for their arrival… this one is definitely on that list.

Auch the responsibility…:wink:
No really don’t wait for it, it will come when it is ready and above all good.
Doing this good and getting a real good light, packaged good and working good is the aim.
This takes time and saying NO when just allowing a YES would mean faster progress to A result, we strive for THE result :wink:

Thus far, a couple of months in I am so honored to be able to
1 see Tom E adapt and tweak Narsil and find myself standing in front of the flashlight cupboard thinking “could this be modded to run Narsil?’
2 receive several in depth designs from Djozz and share some here
3 see those cool Oshpark uploads Pilotdog68 did
4 get both funny and insightful emails and posts from MRsDNF
5 get yet another CAD analysis from Thijsco or clarification drawing to aid in making TF understand things better.

And that is just the Q-team!
BLF as a whole is adding so much, either via PMS on details and in the thread it is a great pleasure.
We take the negatives, the hard communication with Thorfire and flip it around.
We could wait but step forward and design (BLF as a whole) all parts needed.
This is so cool!
I mean, we gave Thorfire the specs and part list of the driver. We did not get the idea they grasped it so now there are actual prototypes that work like a charm and newer ones in the making.

We had some serious ideas about the head and bam a BLF design is born and now the new goal for looks.

One of the first contributions of Tom E was how cool it would be to have a big copper DTP ledboard and while the project is now kind of stuck in head design qnd waiting for TF to make a good CAD drawing we did not stop and Djozz has a real quote for the big copper DTP led board from a serious manufacturer.

Narsil gets better and better even though a month ago it seems so nice then.

The energy and positivity of the project is amazing!
And so many people step in.
For example we just received the offer of a BLF member, who visits China for work a lot, to do a visit of the factory to provide some info how things are going when production really starts.
And this is just a very recent thing. All the people helping in the software and driver design via long and intend PMs and now detailed feedback on Narsil, I can’t or dare make a list since they are so numerous I would certainly miss a few.

The forum mechanics of lots of input on each little detail, gosh I love that, those critical BLFers posting input and generously share their thoughts ideas or worries!

It still it one big party!
Seeing so many people dedicate their first or second post to the Q8 and a list that has grown so much without even a prototype is very very cool and supportive!
Thanks to all for the trust and the input!

Absolutely take the time to make it right! I’m looking forward to supporting this one. Thanks to all on the team for the work you are doing.

Yes, it’s a quite an undertaking. So many facets.

Then there are retired folks like me who can only ride your coattails and say, “Thanks!”.

Don’t worry about the delivery date, I have primed Santa for a Christmas run :slight_smile:

Christmas 2020 that is

Cheers David

I’d like to get on this list. I just hope I have $40 by the time it rolls around. :slight_smile:

Miller, your doing a great job at navigating this boat and keeping the project moving forward while allowing anyone who wants to help to dip an oar in the water and participate.

Its a beautiful thing.

Can’t wait until all those parts assembly :smiley:

Put me down for two please.

Your skills and enthusiasm for this project has persuaded me to sign up to the forum.
I hope that postage to the UK wont be an issue.