Edit : Not recommended now.. 20% disc Trustfire Flames are good, measured 2266mAh & new batch 2498mAh

The price has gone up to over $15

Protected TF flames 14500 for sure jumped in price, checked them yesterday and they where $5.39 a pair, today I was gonna order some and they where still at $5.39 in the gallery and on the product page, but when added to my shopping cart they jumped to $6.99...

add em and they jump to $6.99... and all of the sudden the good deal is gone... not a bad price after the 20% coupon, but still higher than regular price at DX.

Still at 8.39 here: http://www.dinodirect.com/trustfire-lithium-battery-18650-2400mah.html

No, it's not!

Just to say, clocked 2392mAh on the better one of that pair :bigsmile:

Unbelievable, these must be my first batteries ever, that match their spec if Eneloop is not included...

How high was the discharge current?



This is a better deal:

Good news!

Dinodirect has sent a full refund, claim is lifted automatically by Paypal.

Well, what can I say, they played their cards right since they got more than 70$ worth of new orders from me & my pals. I believe they can cover refund with profits from those... :)

Yes add me to the list. Emailed DD..No response as of yet.

Well leave it to dino-direct to screw up my second order and send me 6 more unprotected batteries. Who is in charge of quality there at that facility? Now I got to go talk to Sharon again. This is bs!

There is no QC at any of these vendors, this isn't a special DD thing. They order stuff from their supplier and pass it on to you and that's about it. This is why most stuff is as cheap as it is, the customer does the quality control.

Well I have to say it's official now. I hate dino-direct. I'm sorry to say that, but it sucks ordering on 2 different orders and not getting what you order. Now remember this is back-to-back orders. Now why on God's green earth should I continue to do business with them?

Agree, part and parcel of budget lights. I have got to toss cells with another PAlight brand frm MF, pcb failed.

Did you place your order before the issue of unprotected batteries came up, or after?

It don't matter when I placed my order. Their job is to make sure orders are correct. And they simply put failed.

I would hate to know how many orders they screw up in just 1 business day.

I placed an order too just recently. But before doing that I contacted Summer and asked him to make sure the items are correct, which he assured me on a reply. It you ordered before the issue came out and looked into, then I can see why you still got unprotected ones. If you ordered after I think I better contact DD AGAIN to remind them AGAIN to send the proper ones.

I forgot to say thanks for instructions and support. :)