[Sold] 4. Batch "TA" Bistro/Bistro HD OTSM/Narsil drivers, 46mm for Q8 1S or 2S, Clicky or E-switch, SIR404

Sorry, how much do I owe you for the MF01 board? Also what are the configuration options on there?

Could you also add a 30mm 2S NarsilM LDO 65°C, SD=6V, PO=(NO), lighted sideswitch to my order?


The configuration options for the MF01 are the same as for all other NarsilM drivers

Also the OTSM drivers should be working with 2S now, just needed to add a diode

MF01 waiting list

when 3 are requested I order again 3 boards from oshpark

1x chooma

I’m thinking about upgrading the driver in Astrolux S41. Could you please recommend which option would be the best?

S41 needs a 17mm driver with Bistro

there is normal TA Bistro with triple channel
and there is the newer Bistro HD OTSM

OTSM has advantages with lighted tailcaps and when the light is hot, where the normal Bistro with OTC gets problems

the tail switch board in the S41 has already pads to place lighted tailswitch LEDs

Thank you. So I’ll take

(1) 17mm 1S Bistro HD OTSM short spring, SD=2.8V
standard light with lighted tailcap and perfect timing

14$ driver, 0.3$ spring, 2$ shipping to Poland = 16.3$

some more drivers reflowed
flashing, calibrating and testing in progress

Thanks for that suggestion, didn’t have any quick cure epoxy to hand, but cyanoacrylate does the trick too :slight_smile:

Managed to stick down the minute (0603?) 10k resistor I salvaged from the original S42 board.

Excel sheet updated

getting close to have used most parts for the planned 100 drivers
The source for my AMCs seems to have changed supply

I can build some more with PSMN3R0-30YLDX FET

What’s the status of 38.5 mm drivers?
If it’s possible to get one, how much can I shave off the edges? My Heikelite MT02 seems to have a driver somewhat smaller than 38 mm, though I can’t measure it semi-accurately without making the light unusable for me for several days.
I’ll check it if the driver is available.


I got no 38.5mm boards left
it makes only sense to order 3 of em with 3 requests, as this batch is close to be finished

the 38.5mm could be reduced in Diameter 3-4mm tops

8 orders are now ready for shipping

That’s OK.
BTW, have you considered using the Centurion FETs everybody is talking about in the next batch?

which FET?

One thing is that my AMC supplier does not have the claw type anymore
I hope other supplier with claw will be as good

I purchased these on the 30.8.17 and they were the claw type.


I think they have not updated the Ebay picture

I got it wrong again. It’s Hyperion. Infineon 09NE2LS5.

I am in need of a 46mm 2s driver for a Haikelite MT03 II.

I am looking at the TA46 LDO but that would require that i buy three pcbs. The MF01 driver is basically the same or am i wrong?

Do you have components left for one of those? I only want a two channel driver since the 7135s dont like the 2s anyway.

The MF01 driver has a bigger diameter
I got the same issue as I order when 3 MF01 are requested

I have here still 46mm SRK drivers left that I can modify for MT03, I did that 2 times and one is already in use, the center solder mask needs to be romoved for the spring and the Diode replaced with LDO

Oh nice! What driver board is that?

Can it be configured with two channel NarsilM?

It can be done with 2 Channels but I didnt test it, the bank of AMCs is nice in middle brightness