MF01 Mini / MT07- Mod/Upgrade - Copper Heatsink Cover Plate

Agreed about the hotspot. Did you notice a big color(cct?) drop. I feel mine went from 6000k to 4500… I like it and prefer it that way. also, about the ft03- I heard the ft03s (I have it coming in) steps down rather quickly and just assumed more copper in the business end would help the whole setup. Just assumption…

I think the reason the FT03S throttles down so quickly is that the led is running really hot and the light heats up really quickly. Also I don’t think anduril is optimized for the light. I think a lot of these lights would benefit from having a sample light sent to toykeeper so she can optimize the algorithm but the manufacturers dont seem to want to make the time investment. They want to slap a light together and sell it. At least Mateminco seems to be willing to make changes based on user feedback.

As for the CCT drop from dedoming I think it did drop but I haven’t done a side by side comparison so I cant say how much. I have two more incoming for a friend so maybe I’ll do that when they get here.

The driver sits in a little cavity in the head.

The mcpcb sits on a shelf that is part of the head so that it can transfer heat quickly.

It is very similar to this cutaway.

In fact, most led flashlights use this basic design with the mcpcb sitting on a machined shelf and then the driver fitting in a cavity underneath it. This allows good heat transfer from the led.

Is it still possible to get one? I would be interested.

Sure, I’ll get you added to the list.

Update time! The heatsink plates arrived yesterday, much earlier than expected. Visual inspection looks good. Doing a side-by-side comparison with the heatsink I have from man of light, they are pretty much indistinguishable from each other. I ran several tests with the plastic plate in place, then replaced it with one of the new ones I just received. I used the stickers I got from man of light because the stickers I ordered have not arrived yet. A light coating of Arctic MX-4 was used.

My flashlight is the Mateminco MT07 (aka Astrolux MF01 Mini) with 5000K SST-20 LEDs. All of these tests were performed with the Shockli black 5500 mAh cell. Temperature calibration has been done. Stepped mode levels and top-of-ramp are stock settings. Thermal limit was set to 60°C. Ambient temperature was around 21°C.

“man of light” original on the left, new ones on the right

These observations pretty much match the OP. You can see that heat shedding and sustained output is much better.

Nice work, well done gchart :+1:
Thanks for organizing this batch and making this heatsinks available for the community again.

Regarding the isolation stickers, alternatively it is possible to cut out them yourself from PVC adhesive film or some similar material.
I just wanted to save people from doing this work themselves, so I was sending it in sets.

This sort of makes me want one of these lights again.

Awesome, keep us updated on when everything is ready to ship out, thank you for testing

Honestly, it’s gotta be one of my favorites. Fun to use, and fun looking when it’s off (the multi-colored aux LEDs).

Are these still available? If so may I be added to the list.

Good thing I took the risk and ordered a few extra. Yup, I just added you to the list

If there are any more I’d like one please. Thanks

Sure, added ya

Good news!
Please let us know when everything is ready to ship.
I’ll handle the parts for EU members - 8 units.


Wow, glad to see this came to fruition! Thanks gchart for the help to the community! They look great too :+1:

I joined this forum as l knew the experts here would have already worked out the best mods for these flashlights.
I am qualified in electronics + retired so can spend many hours reading all the info on this forum.

Where can l order a couple of these copper heatsinks?

At a push l can pop a bar of copper in my lathe & knock up a couple. But if they are already in production….

My location is Nottingham UK.

I just had a batch CNC’ed using the man of light design files. I have the heatsinks on hand and am waiting for the isolation stickers to arrive (hopefully about a week or so). I think I have 3 that aren’t spoken for.

To help cut down on international shipping fees, pat murris has volunteered to redistribute the pieces for the European members if you’re interested.

Pricing is expected to be $16 per kit plus shipping costs. Let know if you want on the list.

PS - welcome to BLF!

Where did you find your mf01 mini for 50 bux and the copper version?

Hey I would like to be on the list for the copper heat sink. Thanks hope I’m not too late.