Coronavirus **personal experiences** thread

@ xevious.
thats right ,thanks but it will make the following answers unreal-
to much concatenations.

I’m sure the Russian members know better than us what their elected :wink: government does .
Anybody knows how this virus is being dealt with in North Korea ,
Any North Korea members here?

Let’s keep it at this than :wink:

This might actually help, a few warning shots from the police and military might get people to self isolate better.

While bullets don’t actually improve hearing ability they do increase listening.

A study I read from South Korea showed the 20-29 age group to have the highest infection rate. Around here that is the age group that seems to have the most people that don’t seem to care. It took a large police presence to stop a large St. Patrick’s day celebration near one of the universities.

Just remembering the topic of the thread:

Coronavirus discussion thread


“You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”
—Rahm Emanuel

Try not to flinch when people put their old grimy cloth grocery bags in the carts and then on the check out counter, even the homeless have to use them in states that banned stores from handling and supplying the clean grocery bags.

It’s that filthy credit card machine you should worry about. Even if you brought a sanitizing wipe for the touchscreen, you still need to thrust your card into the hole of a million pokes.


Use Samsung Pay or an alternative, then just keep wiping down the phone.

Wear nitrile gloves.

Or just carry on as normal!

Hi everyone, I removed the recent offensive/controversial/political posts in this thread, please go back and edit or delete comments that quoted him. Thanks.

Corrected your quote! In my little city I think overall people are taking it seriously enough and keeping their distance from each other. Even though I still haven't made up my mind with all this, I'm doing the same because we have a lot of elderly here and we all need to do our best to watch out for them just in case. This cdc influenza estimate for this flu season still makes me think nothing out of the ordinary is happening.

It will not make your mind, but it may help having another perspective!
Not everything has to be about numbers.

Weird stuff here in Finland…

They had some ski resorts open in Lapland up until yesterday.

We have been adviced not to stay on large groups, travel etc. and guess what?
There was a meeting of 125 doctors (!) there and one has been tested positive -> 20+ out of 125 of them are now quarantined. They recommend quarantining all of them.
At least 6 have some symptoms.

I mean, “they should know better”, righ?

But anyway, education does not guarantee that you actually are smart :neutral_face:

I go by this.

The more they force it down your throat, the more they are hiding.


Thanks for that link. Looks scary in Italy, there is no doubt about that and the part about people dying alone is very sad to think about.

I think it´s rather important to realize, that this time it is not “just an influenza” or “just a flu” that is going on.
Naturally, there will also be cases of NORMAL seasonal flu/influenza during this winter.

I took the vaccine for the regular one in autumn.

That’s actually a good challenge based on the principle that don’t know how well you know a subject until you try to teach someone else about it.

The growth of government in the United States was the first metric that came to mind, another angle is probably the growth in the number of laws and regulations.

After a very quick Duckduckgo search (Google censors its results) I spied this article The Growth of Government in America. I’m sure there’s a lot more information out there (still) but that would take more time to hunt down.

Real Per Capita Federal Outlays, 1800-1990
• The federal government spent $16 per person in 1800, $27 per person in 1850, $109 per person in 1900, $1,544 per person in 1950, and $4,760 per person in 1990.
“Figure 2 shows the per capita level of federal spending over time. Even when adjusting for the growth in population size (and inflation), federal expenditures have mushroomed:”

Figure 6
Real Total Government Taxes per Household, 1900-1990
• In 1900 the average family paid nearly $1,400 in taxes.
• In 1950 the average family paid nearly $7,000 in taxes.
• In 1992 the average family paid over $16,000 in taxes.

“The tax burden is even more clearly expressed by examining taxes paid per household as shown in Figure 6.”

Howdy all
First if my comments were offensive PLEASE accept my apology. I don’t often post because I don’t have much to add. You all are so much smarter than me it is embarrassing. I get wound up with some of these conversations and may say the wrong thing.I apologize again if I was offensive.
This variant of the corona virus and it’s activity with the enzyme furin seems to make it all season. It is spreading in Singapore in the tropics n Australia which is still in summery weather. This is different than influenzas which have a tendency to spread more in cold weather. This variant is really a unique one.