Convoy Nichia 519A R9080 CCT choice poll (2700k -> 5700k)

Hence why the poll is a thing :slight_smile:

yes and I like the 519a 4500k dedomed is more rosy than 219b 3500k


and Im in a warm phase, I had been using 3000k 219b, more than sw45k
so the dedomed 4500k 519a hit a sweet spot for me


Not familiar with the 519A.

So far, the Nichia 319A @ 5000K is by far my favorite emitter.
I bought a variation at 4000K and the difference was disappointing and too yellow.
5000K is just about perfect.

Jon, the 519A 4500k dedomed looks great! Did you measure it too?

BTW, the poll will last until Tuesday next week :slight_smile:

Poll results seem to point to the 2700k one, but that doesn’t really matter in the end.

“But even so, it still requires a lot of money to prop up inventories.

for example ,recently, I ordered Nichia 519A 5700K 5000K 4500K 4000K 3500K 3000K, a total of about 21000 LEDs, to meet the needs of flashlight enthusiasts.”

Yeah, Simon became crazy lmao.

Buuut the most voted emitter is 2700K :person_facepalming:

What would you like me to measure?
It has not left my pocket… really fun Tint and CCT






The 4500k dedomed (3600k) at –0.0040 is perfect!

My thoughts exactly :+1:

Did the results of this survey actually get passed onto Simon? Concerned that he may have not ordered the 2700k despite it being the most popular by far.

No, because he never really looked at the poll I think :stuck_out_tongue:

fwiw, dedomed 3000K is 2300K



Wow — that’s so yellow!

during the day yes 2300K looks very Warm White, but not when fully dark adapted.

example of how our brain changes white balance, same light looks warm or not depending on ambient light adaptation,

at night on left, during the day on right

I voted 5000k, I really do not like 5000k… but dedomed should put it around 4000k and that I really do like.

I like 5700K so voted for that but I wonder if a dedomed 6500K would be even nicer :innocent:

I would have liked to see 6500k on the list.

@jon_slider You’ve got me wondering and I hope you don’t mind me asking. What’s your aluminium vs other metal flashlight ratio? You’ve got some nice steam punkness going on :wink:

thank you,
Im slowly reducing my aluminium lights and replacing them with Titanium. Right now its about half and half. My light also serves as pocket jewelry. I dont wear any rings, watches, or necklaces.

I usually EDC a Titanium Jetbeam Rotary, it is my Presciousss:

1 Thank