[01-OCT-2013] Welcome yet again to yet another server!

Just did a quick server reboot to test memory usage of my new configuration.

Africa DNS not updated yet, I’m using Google DNS temporarily, speed looks good , well done!

Thankfully I don’t experience that too many bugs lately.

not having a problem here but then I only use my mobile and I cancelled email notification a long time ago……it just drove me mad lol

I don’t like getting emails from noreply@budgetlightforum.com with no “real” name. It is just showing as mail from “noreply”. I would suggest to use mail from:

“BLF” <noreply@budgetlightforum.com>
“BudgetLightForum” <noreply@budgetlightforum.com>
BudgetLightForum.com” <noreply@budgetlightforum.com>

so it will show as a name in “”. Just my opinion.

'Friendly names' suck, I want to know the real address of the sender, not some obscured thing. If you want the 'friendly' junk, you can add noreply@budgetlightforum.com to your address book and then assign whatever name you'd like.

I'm not really positive, but it appears from user reports that messages are more likely to get classified as spam if they are sent out with a "friendly name". And it kind of makes sense, since a spammer or phisher could send out messages with a header that says something like "PayPal.com" <crook@send-me-all-your-money.com>

I finally identified a bug in the Drupal core that was making it send out emails with the wrong "Return-Path" in the headers, and fortunately there's a fix for it. I'm cautiously optimistic that this might drastically help to prevent BLF messages being classified as spam.

First time I've ever had a BLF email go into my spam folder in Gmail. Marked it as "not spam" which, I assume if enough people do the same, will help.

Server is MUCH faster! Thank you!!!

Something I have wonderted about for ages. When I click the link in the email notification, it usually takes me to the top of the thread, (the original post), rather than the most recent post at the bottom. Is that something I need to setup in my profile, or is a bug perhaps in the browser I’m using?

On the 'recent posts' page the link is:

but the link in the email is:

If the new reply isn't on the first page of the thread, without the '?page=2' part in the url you get sent to the top of the first page instead. This bug happens sometimes if someone pastes a link to a specific post in a thread, but they've changed their 'posts per page' higher than the default - such that the post is on their first page, but not anyone else who's still using the forum default of 50.

Similarly, if you went into your profile and changed the number of posts per page to 1000, the links in the notification emails would work correctly.


I think I’ll have to re-read that a few times to get it all correct. But I see the problem is with the link, for example this is what i get for this thread:

So I’ll go and change my posts to 1000 right now, thanks for the tip on that.

HAHA no, don't actually change it to 1000 posts per page... or if you do, don't ever click on any of the monster 2000-post threads... that was just to point out that the email links only work if the new post is on the first page.

Is it ‘max rows’ in general settings? I set it to 1000 and nothing seemed to change.

I couldn’t find that setting, then I got called away for work, guess it’s lucky I did. So it sounds like there is no way to jump to the last post from the email notification. Thanks for the update.

Can I request that PM email alerts come from a different sending email address? (Like they did previously.) It's nice to be able to glance and see PM alerts easily & quickly.



Simply add the blf address to your favorites and name it whatever you want, call it Suzie Q if you will, then when you get notifications they will always be from “Suzie Q”.

No, then all my alerts would be from "Susie Q". I just want the PM alerts to show up as Susie Q. Actually, I better not save it is Susie Q or else I'll have some explaining to do to my wife! :).


Yes, much faster, but I’ve had to take my subscriptions out of the spam folder.

it is now faster than before!
