[01-OCT-2013] Welcome yet again to yet another server!

It's been extremely slow for me today. Anyone else?

Very slow. Taking minutes instead of seconds for posting and navigating.

same here

Thanks for the reports guys. It should run a bit faster now.

It's much faster browsing now. Let's see how long it takes to post this

Edit: much faster posting too! Thanks!!

You bet, thanks for letting me know.

Glad to help out when I can :)

I’m finding pages are getting stuck on loading after posting a comment. I often have to close the tab and open a new tab to see the reply.

The whole site has been very very slow for me today, browsing, posting, etc . . .


I had the same problems than Chloe and Garry, waiting times of half a minute or so to load a page. Specially slow when posting

I went to edit a post right after I posted it initially. It took forever. Strange intermittent slowdowns recently

i’ve been having the same issues since yesterday, took about 5 minutes to post an edited reply, but sometimes it works perfectly fine

OK, thanks for letting me know. I’ll take a look and see what I can do.

Would we name the server, like sally or something….

OK, let’s try this for now. We’ll see how it performs after about 24 hours or so.

When I update a post it takes forever to load the edited post. Everything else seems normal.
Its been that way for a day or two for me. When I click save it just sets there trying to load. I leave the page open and go on browsing blf in a new window. It eventually loads and I close the page out and continue browsing in the newly opened window.

Same here. I just posted a two sentence reply and it hung like 2 minutes until it went through.


Was getting 404 errors earlier.

That was me, sorry!

Well, at least it wasn’t kreisler again. :bigsmile: