12000 Lumen Mega M6 Flashlight - 12x LED - Mountain Electronics

It is now live on the website, just ordered one

I just wish it didnt have to cycle through all modes to turn the light off.

I sprang for one of these uber M6 lights. Usually I build stuff myself, but this one is just too good to pass up. I would like to know a few specifics about this light.

What driver does it use? I am assuming it’s the FET SRK driver with the external temp sensor that MTN sells, but would like to know for certain.

More info on the specific firmware would be great - is it programmable? What drive levels are the modes?

@blueb8llz According to the diagram, from low, you can do a long press to turn the light off. If you were in a middle mode, that’s another story.

Do you know if from high mode it’s a single click to off then?

According to the graphic, assuming it comes on at low mode with a short press, it would be a single click to turn it off from high mode. I have never used STAR momentary firmware before - maybe someone who has can chime in.

I was able to get one! He sold out right after, so I’m guessing he’s building them and immediately listing them… and then immediately selling them. Got the XP-L HI V2 3B version. I’ll post pics and beamshots as soon as I get it.

anxiously awaiting those, thanks.

Anyone get theirs yet?

Looking at the Diagram, the UI looks the same as the SRK driver… Modes are laid out from low to high. Quick presses take you forward in the modes (from low to high) and long presses take you backward. So you can go through all the modes from off starting with low by quick presses. Coversely you can go backwards from high… if you start from off and do only long presses. Believe it or not, the SRK that I have that uses this, is my most used light. It’s our nightlight, for when my wife gets up to feed the baby. Just turn it on it’s lowest moonlight level and let it ceiling bounce. Using the warm emitters gives it that incandescent glow.

Really? Your srk has the ability to go backwards with a long press? The cool thing about this mega m6 is that you can start on the highest mode from off with a long press I believe. And then a single click will turn it off, since it’s the next mode clockwise.
at least that’s what I’m thinking…

This is exactly what I’m describing here. I would assume the lights have exactly the same UI. My SRK driver is from mountain electronics.

Does anyone have one yet?

Someone must have one by now. Round two just sold out. I’m in no hurry, they’ll make more.

Maybe everyone is too busy fixing their cometas? I ordered one, looking forward to it.

Mine is scheduled for delivery today. Looking forward to it

would be nice if someone were to do a review…… many have been sold. I mean, its a beast, right?

Could it be they are all suffering from burns?

Or maybe they can’t type a review because they are blinded and can’t see their computer monitor after getting a faceful of mega-M6 output on turbo. :smiling_imp:

I’m getting one of these bad boys so that the next time one of those jacked-up pickup trucks blind me with their annoying 8000K aftermarket HIDs, I have something to retaliate with.

Nah, I just want to subscribe to this thread.

Good point, I was thinking retinal lesions too.
Perhaps there should be a kit version with polarized dark glasses and sun block lotion.