[15-DEC-2011] BLF is on a new web host

Looks great. Thanks for all the hard work!

Everything is loading much faster than before, for me.

Pages loading seems really faster now :)

Thanks Admin!


Thanks for doing this. The forum feels even better now!! Good job!

BTW: Posted with Chrome 16.0.912.63 on Windows 7, works fine.

It was never slow here except the times it wasn't working at all - I suspect severe bandwidth throttling.

I can't see how pictures could load faster as they have never been hosted on BLF. They have always been hosted elsewhere (Which must be a good thing given what that sort of bandwidth costs (My pics average 20 gigs a month and I'm probably responsible for less than 5% of the pics here)).

I suspect severe and deliberate throttling by the previous provider. Until recently this didn't bother me at all - in the .cz.cc days it was way, way worse.

But please do let us know if it starts costing you more. There are a lot of people who'd be very, very glad to help out.

Given that it costs all of us users nothing to get here, there are plenty of people who'd be glad to help out if the costs rise.

And this is speaking as a victim of the Other Place who has given money to give The Owner (Bitch From Hell, Sasha, Greta, whatever she's calling herself this week. Her "real" name is Kelly Dreller) money to keep the Other Place something vaguely resembling functioning.

Which amounts to an admission of self-harm. Not proud of it - but that is what happened.

So, Mr. Admin, if you need any help (financial or otherwise), please, please do let us know. I've suffered the nonsense at the Other Place and have exactly zero wish to return despite the huge amount of information there - at least till the next time Ms. Dreller breaks it again. I've no mind to put up with that again.

You have given us a wonderful place to play/talk/discuss lights.

And I hope I never forget that.

Contributions can not only be measured in dollar terms - measure them instead in the time folks spend here. And the reasons they choose to spend their time here.

There are a bunch of folks I'd not otherwise ever have come across and am delighted that I've met here. And in all the places that aren't the Other Plaice. Jayki and Metalhed come to mind. And here, special congratulations go to Mr. Admin, Pete, Al, Foy, Preben, Ted, Matt, and all the others. You know who you are. Please don't be offended if your name isn't in the list - those are just the folks who came to mind after a very, very long day. Seriously, I can't think of anyone I've met here who I regret meeting.

And thanks everyone here. This place wouldn't be what it is without you.

add a msg in old server as many will have problem to flash dns because of router / ISP

edit c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

add following line budgetlightforum.com

then ipconfig /flushdns

visit budgetlightforum.com , enjoy

Ah, thanks very much for reminding me, I forgot that many users have DNS caching in their routers as well.

This is a great improvement. Thank you for doing all this for us. :beer: Cheers to you :D

thanks everybody!

clearing my cache worked at my office but at home I cleared everything, rebooted, cleared again, hollered a bit, and finally had to add budgetlightforum.com to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts because nslookup was still returning old IP

Alright then !

I just learned how to flush my DNS !

Thanks BLF .

Learning something new every day...

If anyone else has that problem and doesn't feel like editing their host file (or doesn't have superuser access/permission to do so), the reason is probably that something in between the new server and your computer is caching the old IP (think of it as holding on to data locally so it doesn't have to be fetched remotely, in order to speed things up) and ignoring TTLs.

It should sort itself out after a few hours but if you don't feel like waiting, power-cycling (ie. pulling the plug) your router and/or cable modem should do the trick.

Edit: It's probably a good idea to remove that entry from your hosts file after a few days. By its very nature, the hosts file is static, which might cause problems if there's ever a need to change IPs, implement round-robin or something. DNS, on the other hand, is dynamic and that's actually the very reason why it was invented. After a while, every DNS cache out there should have finished playing catch up and everything should work fine without the need to override the DNS response. :)

It did to me as well. Much appreciated admin!

Haha, that's what I thought too (at first) :bigsmile: But then tried another thread without any pic and yeah, much better now. Congrats ;)

Works great at home but I am screwed on the iphone. I tried clearing the history. I cant restart the damn thing because it got a little wet the other day at work and has had a rolling series of malfunctions. The one it is stuck on now is failure of the power button. It will start working soon. Any tips that dont include the power button?

Edit: I am updating the phones OS so I bet that will take care of it. The red message on the front page gives me a CPF flashback every time I load that page.

awesome! Great job!

Damn, I was looking forward to reading some threads on the test site. Saw some funny stuff there.

Definitely working faster for me.

Yeah, there was a fake spammer named IamNotaSpammer that was absolutely hilarious. R.I.P. BLF test site.

Thanks very much Don for your kind words! Very encouraging.

And thanks a lot to everyone else who has reported their experience here, I'm really glad to see it's working out.