Hey guys I’m working on the 16mm sinkpad design with (PilotPTK) and I like some input on what u guys want to see made
Like what leds your going to use, how thick,location of the 2 mounting holes and how large of the mounting hole to be ect……
Hey guys I’m working on the 16mm sinkpad design with (PilotPTK) and I like some input on what u guys want to see made
Like what leds your going to use, how thick,location of the 2 mounting holes and how large of the mounting hole to be ect……
Hey, Congratulations. I'm glad this is working out for you nitro, with Pilots expert help things should go off without a hitch.
What you have there looks great to me. I like that its round and not a star.
As long as the mounting holes are big enough to pass some really heavy wire like 20G that will be plenty for most apps.
For the thickness I vote, as thick as you can afford. Seriously since the PCB is copper the heat sinking is not going to get any better than it is right on the board. Even up to a 2mm board would be good.
I don’t have 20G wire on hand can anyone post how thick it is, and are u guys happy with the thickness of the 20mm stars from the group buy ?
Ps: so u guys no the thicker we go more it will cost per board
That looks great Nitro! :bigsmile: Thanks for coming through again for us. I also vote for a 2.0mm thick boards if possible.
i never use larger than size #4 screws
clearance hole for #4 is drill bit size #30 (.1285”)
hobby king 18ga silicone wire has OD ~.1”
1.6mm seems to be a common thickness, and may be worth adhering to if necessary to maintain compatibility with most lights
How much per sinkpad?
Maybe have it easily trimmable to 14mm?
I was considering 2mm instead of 1.5 or 1.6 for XRE swaps. For all others, most lights can handle the thicker board. Its when the board is to thin that problems are incurred.
So fare we got
2mm thick board
Hole size for 20G wire ( rated at 11amps) should be plenty
As for the price it’s in the works, because it varrys on what we want…
I am surprised they don’t have a standard 16mm design ready to go
2mm fat will be nice,for sure xml version
make the design to be posible to cut it and make it 14mm pcb
I just sent you the link to the 16MM XM-L/XM-L2 design with the small changes you asked for.
I want this to be public - I used my standard part library which has a known (to me) good footprint for the XM-L emitter. The board is a simple design. It should work without any problem. That said, nitro, it is your responsibility to check the artwork (provided to you in PDF and Gerber/NC Drill) to be sure you are happy with the design. I provide liability insurance on the functionality of the design up to the full amount paid to me for said design (ie. zero).
This has been a CYA Public Service Announcement
Nice design. I like how you don’t have to bring the wires 90^ around the board to the pads. XM-L2,XP-G2, Nichia. Xre’s are big enough I can reflow them direct to copper without a board. I don’t buy anything else these days.
I’d love to see some copper PCBs for an XP-G footprint. Will that be an option here, too?
20MM boards are available for XP-G right now…
Turn that emitter –45° around?
I don’t like visually that the soldering pads are so close to the holes.
Text is useless, if you need to mark a + just write + somewhere, does not have to be XM-L2/XM-L2, B.L.F., POS, NEG, and what not XD
Text is optional, function is a priority.
Trimmable to 14mm or what is the closest smaller pad. Holes so you can fit 20AWG, 2.54mm, does not sound bad.
Thickness, 1.5 or 1.6mm what’s the standard thickness of them.
here we designed the Layout of the 16 mm Led-Tech copper board:
Perhaps it might help you
Thank you Fritz. Nice design.
Would u guys like mounting holes so u can screw the board down ? Or no and just use epoxy
I was thinking somthing like Led-tech copper board
I’ll don’t mind drilling my own holes - but that’s easiest when the solder pad is close to the holes for the wires (leaving more open space on the rest of the board for the screw head).