I’m still confused with Vapcell batteries models. For example, for Sofirn SF19 the max current drawn on turbo seems to be a little over 6A.. So I figured that out of 6 different Vapcell 18350 models on this page 4 of them should work and at least 2 of them would improve the runtime over the Sofirn own 850 mA cells? Is that correct, which one too choose, and is the difference significant enough to bother (I’ve heard that Sofirn branded batteries are decent enough)?
Also the Sofirn battery seems to have button top but the Vapcells do not (but they say it can be added?). Does it matter with IF19 which has a spring on each side?
And if not Vapcell then what?
Please help with the confusion…
p.s. I take it these are all ‘unprotected’ cells?