For my work (Air Ambulance) I am looking for pen sized light, like a AAA Maglite, that will fit in the arm or leg “Pen” pockets of the flight suit.
I am also looking for a Soda Can sized torch for the same job, as detailed in” this thread”:Soda Can flashlight with Non memory and low/moonlight
I have a 2 cell (own converted LED) AAA Maglite at the moment, but it is single brightness.
Want something with a simple No-Memory UI that always comes on in Low or moonlight and with NO strobe flashing modes.
Any 2-AAA’s that can run GuppyDrive type firmware?
I have browsed many posts here and have seen this photo on the “Collection” post.
Counting from Right to Left the lights 2,3,4 5 interest me. Especially number two , the 90 degree head version. that could be most useful.
From right to left, light 1 onwards, manufacturers of those look like:
Thorefire?, Manker, jetbeam, astrolux, Sofirn?, Not sure #6, not sure #7, #8-#11 are Lumintop, #12 & #13 are singfire or blf 348, not sure #14, Thorefire, sofirn, Lumintop, ?Nicron (not familiar with this brand), Generic COB work light.
I’ve an astrolux keychain light, it’s not that impressive as the head wobbles due to poor thread tolerance.
the IYP365 seemed perfect…except it starts in High mode
N73 does not seem available any more…but no info on what modes and direction.
Other option might be a AAA host and make my own
Nicron does not seem to list the N73 on the site any more…only a AA version which would be too big…28mm. Needs to be BIC biro sort of size and long enough not to slip inside th epocket…and yes that has happened before.
Ultratac A3 is 3 mode, starts in low and no blinky’s. There are a few Chinese sellers on Ebay that have them. Same style and size as the IYP.
I have three of them, one with a nichia in it, one with a red led in it and one with a UV emitter in it. They are great little lights. I tried the IYP’s and the didn’t care for the modes sequence. Lumintop always screws up good lights with mode memory or dumb starts in high or medium. I swore off Lumintop.
In case you don’t know there is a sub-forum dedicated to multiple AAA lights which would help focus your search.
You can get to it through the ‘Forum Categories’ sub-menu listed under the Main Menu (top left of my browser page, don’t know where it is on yours )
but here is a direct link:
I’ve owned a couple of Thorfire PF04s, and unfortunately while they satisfy your other requirements, they do have mode memory (and are discontinued now).
However, here’s something that should perfectly fit your requirements: Wurkkos WK02
I second Serlite’s suggestion of Wurkkos WK02. I quite like mine, and it’s one of only two lights I’ve been sent for review that I’ve kept after the review has been finished.
For the record, I found out that the Nicron N73 is apparently available on Ebay ; using the keyword “Nicron Twist 90° Magnetic LED Flashlight”. Multiple vendors will show up. I’m thinking of getting one for myself.
PS : as suggested, mods should move this thread in the Multiple AAA subforum.