Sure its easy! all you need is six of them, a good Modded JB SRK driver, and a 6-XM-L SRK host.
> If you have a bag full of Nichia 219B’s kicking around, then swap out the XM-Ls in a SRK 6-XM-L (or more) host for the Nichia 219Bs, (preferably on Noctagons) toss in a good modded JB SRK driver or original SRK three-torrid driver, and voila… A High CRI flooder SkyRay King for walking the dog or alligator.
I forgot to post this one since i had done this mod back in June, but out of the dozen or so different SRKs i have this one now gets the most field use.
Nichia 219B high cri is love , the best tint i have ever seen was the XM-L2 4C but when i saw the Nichia 219B high cri in real life i changed my opinion a bit
Nice build! If nichia would get around to making something a bit brighter than the 219 I’d be very tempted to copy that. When I first saw yours I was considering doing something similar, but I can’t bring myself to spend more money on my 6x srk for half the lumens.
Even though the 6-SRK now probally has a lower output than a good modded hard-drive 3-XM-L2 SRK, but drive the Nichias well and they can still give out a good amount of light when many are used in this case. I wish Nichia would build an XM-L2 sized High-CRI 219 capable of 1200+ Lumens. (maybe call it a 319. *hints to Nichia-
No doubt 2000 is more than enough, that’s all my first srk had and it totally blew me away. I’d also like to see some beamshots if you get a chance.
I’d be the first in line for a 319 if it was reasonably priced. Are you listening Nichia?