[2023-02-14] Email issues RESOLVED for @Yahoo/@Verizon/@AOL/@sbcglobal/@ATT

There is a limit on how many likes can we give per 24h… ! I think it’s better to not have limited likes… !

1 Thank

That’s correct, the number of “thanks” that a user can give is limited per time. We’ll leave it that way for now.

2 Thanks

Okay, I didn’t know that.
Thanks for clearing that up. :+1:
I’m not really used to liking/thanking posts, so I don’t do it as much as I should. :man_facepalming:

1 Thank

That’s fine, it’s not obligatory to use, it is a “thanks” button after all.

1 Thank

I like to give likes… but…

Interesting. I had no idea that was even an option. What’s the limit? Looks like it’s somewhere under 100 per 24-hour period or something like that?

Yeah, starts at 50 and goes up from there depending on the user’s permission level.

1 Thank

I can’t speak for everyone, but 50 is plenty for me. :+1:
I can’t imagine thanking 50 posts in 24 hours, but I usually just look at the latest posts and I don’t look at old posts very often. :yum:

Hi, Just curious. Is there still a problem sending to Gmail accounts. I have played with my settings several times, but I have not been getting any notifications.
Maybe it is my fault in not understanding something, but I would like to figure out the problem.


Hi @Mandrake50 , as far as I know Gmail is accepting emails from BLF. The system shows that the last time it attempted to send you an email was over 24 hours ago. The system doesn’t send you emails for post updates while you’re actively using the site, so that might be why you’re not receiving what you expect. If you want I can force it to send you a test email, just let me know.

this is not my experience. i continue to receive email notifications for watched-topic new posts i’ve already read while actively using the site. seems to be a six minute delay between post published and email received (in gmail). delivery is apparently automatic, not based on read/unread status. i sent you a PM about this yesterday.

@tercet Sorry I haven’t been able to respond yet to your PM.

Correct. It’s probably best in most cases to set the threads you want to follow to “Tracked” instead of “Watched”.

Well, I got a notification for your reply to me. But interestingly, that was the only notification since I was on the forum yesterday evening. But, if it is doing what it is supposed to, I will deal with it.
I wondered because I used to get considerably more notifications in a days time than I am now.
I will try the “Watching” setting on some things and see what that does.

It is a fine line for me between getting enough and getting too many email messages.

I see, thanks for confirming. Let me know how it goes with the emails during these next few days.

I was THE email admin for a company with 16K users and 14 Exchange severs for almost 20 years.
When I retired, I told my CIO that I had hated him since the day he gave me the job… :imp:

Ah wow no kidding? I don’t blame you, email is the most arcane and unpredictable infrastructure in the IT world in my opinion. Obviously ruined by the spammers, so I understand why they have to take such drastic measure sometimes. But this time I was really surprised by all the trouble that the providers mentioned in this thread gave me, the domain and the IP have excellent reputations, and the email server is perfectly configured. I just didn’t take into account the sudden spike in volume that apparently triggered their automated systems.

But darn near everything we did depended on it. I would do updates and reboot a server at 2 AM, invariably within a minute I would get a call form someone asking why email wasn’t working.

1 Thank

While cleaning up recent email, I noticed that the new site’s email notifications make it difficult to see the thread title. Is there any chance of changing that to put the details closer to the beginning of the subject line?

It currently uses:

  • [BudgetLightForum.com] [Category Name] Thread Title

But I wonder if it could be reformatted to make the thread titles easier to see? Some ideas…

  • [BLF] Thread Title [Category Name]
  • Thread Title [BLF] [Category Name]
  • Thread Title [BLF :: Category Name]
  • Thread Title [Category Name] [BudgetLightForum]
  • [BudgetLightForum] Thread Title [Category Name]

… or something along those lines.

Here’s how the current setup looks in my email client. I generally can’t see the thread title at all unless I open an individual message to get a full view:

(edits: just figuring out which image hosting/formatting works best on this new platform)

2 Thanks

I was actually going to mention this but wasn’t sure which thread to comment in. :slight_smile:

I would rather see the email title omit the category and just have BLF/Thread Title.

Also, is there a way to display the sender starting with BLF, rather than User Name via BLF? As is, it makes for a very messy inbox. I usually need to sort through mail and address most of it before I touch BLF, and it was visually easier/faster when it stands out easily as a BLF email (handy for sorting and finding in the deleted mail as well). I do like email notifications a lot but prefer the format from the old platform, if that’s possible to replicate.

1 Thank

Hi there @ToyKeeper and @Correllux , agreed, great suggestions. I’ll try to work on improving the email notifications subject line a bit later today.

I’m also considering removing all or most of the body of the post reply from the email notification; it’s not to force people onto the site to view the reply, but rather because I’m concerned that if a few spammers get by and post spam links in a post and then that gets re-transmitted via email some users might report the notification as spam to their email provider. And I guess it technically would be… :confused:

Are you referring to the notification emails when you receive a private message?

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