I just received mine from wallbuys. It appears to be the original version and draws the same current as my origional SRK with confirmed 3 terroid driver. Im not going to pull apart the wallbuys driver to see inside. Its as bright as my original and pulls the same amps. The SRK is definitely the best budget handheld light cannon available. Everyone should have at least 2! :bigsmile:
Why does every WB thread have to be invaded by a few people complaining and moaning about whatever? I understand if you think you have been screwed by them. Fine. You’ve made your point in countless other threads…please don’t stink up every other thread where they are offering a deal. File your PayPal dispute and go on with your life for cryin’ out loud.
Also…this isn’t the WallBuys vs. FastTech forum. We need ALL vendors to give us good pricing…so a word to the FastTech Fanboy Club…please continue buying from FT and keep your snide, unhelpful comments to yourself.
It is really very simple…either participate in the sale or don’t. I will…and if past experience is an indicator, I will get incredible deals.
Up to 45 reserved now. I really don’t want this… really… so please stop making the price lower
Edit 13 minutes later… 58 reserved.
Edit: Another 10 minutes… 86… This will be the highest runner if everyone sticks to their reservation.
Edit: and at 10;35 EST it broke 100