3K giveaway AAA Minimag - Closed - winner announced

I'm in for this fantastic givaway! Thanks.

Count me in. Thanks!

Count me in.

[picture removed]

Knock Knock
Who’s there?
The winner of a pewter, 2A, xre triple with 10 modes including one that flashes my name in Morse code.

I’m in. Ty

Count me in.

OL, tha's one helluva story for sure.

Count me in, I’ll delete the joke though.

Iam in

What is the first symptom of AIDS?

a pounding sensation in the rectum…HIYO!

count me in :slight_smile:
Congrats on the 3k post !

Hi guys, if you posted a picture here, please take a another look at it and make sure isn’t lewd. The idea of BLF Rule #2 (“Please don’t use dirty language, please don’t swear, and please avoid lewd conversations.”) is to make BLF a family friendly place such that no explanations or excuses would be necessary if a child or the wife walked into the room and saw what was on the screen.

Thanks in advance for cleaning up some of the above pictures.

When my wife walks into,the room and see the colors of the forum, I am forced to give some explanations or excuses anyway (oh, no! More flashlights??!)

I’m In
Thank You

I enter the dumb luck category as translating a joke from another language to english are most of the time not funny.
I remember once a friend of portuguese origin tried to tell a joke but no one laughed. Another friend in the group of portuguese origin too started to think hard and then he laughed, he told us that when translated back in portuguese, it’s funny…

count me in,

here is the transforming flashlight


+1…and I’m in…ain’t got no funnies either. Kinda been one of those days.

This post on behalf of sb.

Thanks for the giveaway.

Count me in!