4th Annual BLF / Old Lumens Scratch Made Light Contest - Final results!

You are not alone, but I don’t think they’ve had more prizes than completed entries in past years… and they are volunteers just as we entrants were volunteers.

One of my concerns revolves around my not knowing how “things”work. Like are the prizes already allocated and waiting someplace? Or are the prizes drop shipped from the suppliers regular stock? The light I selected as my prize is from banggood where they only show 3 left in stock………… I hope one is allocated and available to be shipped.

I hope that is the case for the physical prizes but surely it is just a case of passing on a voucher code for some of us.

Sorry if i seem a bit disgruntled but some comms would be nice as people have asked.

There may be some logistics and emails involved in getting vouchers or gift codes. I.e. -time online for -the. If it makes it any easier I can contact RMM via pm to obtain mine. Just let me know.

Anybody know what’s up with Old-Lumens? Haven’t seen him around lately.

How is this prize distribution working out for everyone else… I am still twiddling my thumbs waiting for some word……

I’m not sure with Banggood.

Rich contacted me. My order was placed and I received it yesterday. I haven’t heard anything about the process of obtaining award codes from other vendors though.

Richard contacted me as well. I have placed my order but haven’t received it yet.

I got notification from _ the _ that he had shipped the Acebeam H10 on the 12th and the Gearbest giftcard was applied to my account a few days ago.

Thanks for the info / update, guys.

i have not gotten any notifications from anyone.

Apart from the PM from the I did not receive any other messages. I had voucher from Gearbest that was there when I checked out. If it was not for CRX letting me know I would of missed out.

Congratulations to the winners!

If you choose our prizes:

fritz15: - Astrolux S41 (provided by Banggood)
MtnDon: - BLF X6 SS (provided by Banggood)
lostheplot:- BLF X5 copper (provided by Banggood)

Please feel free to send the information to my E-mail(chendongling@banggood.cn), including who you are and which prize you got and your address.

Please send your address to my email (chendongling@banggood.cn) as sample:
Post code:

Thank you very much!

Best Regards,

Done!! Thank you.

And today I have a tracking number! It has shipped, Air Parcel Register

The BG webpage shows they have one left in stock now

lucky you, i have not heard anything from HKE

Please (try to) be patient. I’ll handle that, as well as the three extra prizes to those who didn’t finish their build but tried hard(est).

I’m very sorry that this has taken so long time, but both me and some of the judges have been very busy in our personal life. :frowning:

Just to chime in here. I’ve not been contacted regarding my prize either. I’m in no rush really to get it, I just want to make sure that delivery is not held up pending my action etc…

it did sound like i was impatient, my bad. i do understand this forum is just a hobby, and personal life takes priority.

honestly i’m waiting for new contest more than for the prize. for some reason i got some ideas after the contest was over, not before.