$5 Thrunite Ti

Yesterday I received an email saying delivered. I placed my order on the 2nd June.
Tracking number indicated that it past through the sort facility in LA 2 days ago and in Santa Clarita, CA today.

Still waiting!

So true. I just ordered some 10440 batteries to really see what it can do. Wish it was a one mode and had a clicky. That would make this light amazing for me.

Wait. It doesn’t say in the Thrunite site that it this can take 10440 batteries.

I got a pink firefly and so did my buddy - so far that is not sounding very random on the colors!! Has anyone else got theres if so what color did they get?

It’s shorter than a Mag Lite Solitaire & slightly longer than a Led Lenser button cell.
Thicker than a Solitaire but thinner than the led Lenser button cell.
Battery Vampire big time
Beam quality & tint [CW, little blue] are more than acceptable for the price paid.

The color is gnarly but it breaks the monotony of black matte or black gloss.
Mode separation is close together, easy one hand operation.
Cigar hold, manual or oral [he said oral, lol] not a problem.

8 days or less shipping time puts the big guys to shame!

Would like one more if someone wants me to take it off their hands.

I’m pleased, want to thank the ThruNite-store.com folks for the offer!

i’m thinking the red/pink is the least bought, so they will be the most stocked…

Well that’s going to be awkward.

“Here Dad… Um… Happy belated Fathers Day!

You are right, but some people wrote in their reviews, that you can use 14500.

Mine came today. It’s the red/pink 3 lumen model. The color really isn’t that bad but I’ll be giving it to a female friend.

… nevermind

How can you use 14500 in a aaa light? Wtf?

He meant 10440.

Oh, yes I mean 10440.

So, while we’re waiting — how do y’all know which level of ‘firefly’ you got?
Eyeballing the brightness? Something on the light, or on the packaging?

It says firefly on the box for me. It’s way dimmer than my DQG AA. Same length but thinner.
Awesome light! Thanks Thrunite!

Edit: @Johnny Black :slight_smile:

So, you can or can’t use the 10440s? I don’t want to fry my new light when I get it but I want to use 10440s if possible.

what color did you get?

Take a look at this review in a german flashlightforum. The pictures show beamshots of the Ti with a 10440 and the user is a mod of the forum - he knows what he is doing:

I’ve had my eye on one of these for 6 months, but couldn’t decide which low mode to try.

That made the random choice half the fun, the other half is it was a super bargain, $5.

Got the Black Firefly mode, and it is brighter than I would have guessed,a far from useless output.

Thanks, Overclocker for the deal alert! Thanks, Thrunite for the deal!

Got my 3 lumens gold Ti. Excellent little light, will be my EDC for the near future. Thanks, Overclocker for the deal alert and Thrunite for the deal! Will buy more later for gifts. More discount? :stuck_out_tongue: