Hi, hope everyone is well. Have a project I’m hoping you could help with advice.
I want to try to use an L-shaped flashlight to shine onto our favorite painting that gets almost no light at night. Will try this battery powered solution for a few months, and probably eventually call in an electrician to run wire and install an LED spotlight and dimmer switch… but not yet.
Our home does not have overhead cans or spotlights. We have an entry hall that is a few feet long with lighting on both ends but nothing in the middle. This painting is 32 wide by 24 tall, and hangs in the middle of this unlit short hallway. I looked up “artwork led lighting” and found the type that sits on top of the painting, has an arm that goes about 9” into the room, and shines an LED down onto the painting… Two issues… 1) $330, but more importantly, I didn’t at all like the way the light bathed the painting, given the sharp angle the light takes being so close to the painting, at the top. The light seemed to hit about half of the paintings in the pics shown on their website.
So… I have a Sofirn headlamp, HS20, with LH351D 5000K flood with TIR lens as part of the setup. I thought… why not give it a try. Taped the lamp to the opposite wall of the hall, about 42” away, and angled it down to the painting, and it looked… pretty good at the 40 lm setting. But it is a little cool, not too bad, but not ideal, in color temp for nighttime. The runtime is supposed to be 45 hours at that 40lm setting, so I would recharge the battery about once a week while using the light for about five hours each night.
I have read in many, many places that artwork looks best under about 3000K high CIR lighting, but also read where a guy experimented a lot and settled on 4000K.
Sofirn has the SD40 headlamp offered in LH351D in 4000k (vs. my 5000K), but the lowest usable setting is 90lm which is way more than needed, and that only lasts 15 hours. That light only has stepped settings. So that one won’t work.
Then I saw Convoy has an H2, in 219b at 4500k, in 219c at 4000k, in 219b at 3500K. It has unstepped ramping so I could easily find the 35-45 lm that works there at it should run for about 40 hours also, correct? Or is 219b not efficient, and at 40lm might only last 25 hours vs. the LH351D’s 45 hours?
I think that same H2 is also offered in LH351D at 4000K and 3500K. It is also offered in 519a, but since the store is closed, I cannot see at what temperature it is offered.
So, if you were lighting a painting with an H2, would you pick 219b or 219c (at the temps offered by Convoy), or the 519a, and at what temp, or the HD351D at 4000k or 3500k?
Then, this one by Fireflylite. https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804203329216.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.773038daLofbyg&mp=1&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa&\_randl_shipto=US. is available in 219b at 4000K (which Convoy only offers in 219c).
Fireflylite also has this one: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804203433322.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.773038daLofbyg&mp=1&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa&\_randl_shipto=US with E21A at “mix” 3800K.
I worry a little that the 219b’s rosiness might not be best suited for lighting artwork. What do you think? Would 219c at 4000k be more appropriate?
The H2’s LH351D at 4000K or 3500K seem fine, but I don’t know in person, vs. photos I’ve seen, whether LH351D looks better shined on artwork than 219c or E21a.
From only what I’ve read, it seems like E21A at 3800K might be the most neutral and pleasing of all those choices,