Windfire 7x XM-L Bike Light + 6x18650 battery pack - $30.21 Shipped by DHL
Seems it’s new seller, but have no worries as Aliexpress has buyer protection just in case. I just ordered one!
Windfire 7x XM-L Bike Light + 6x18650 battery pack - $30.21 Shipped by DHL
Seems it’s new seller, but have no worries as Aliexpress has buyer protection just in case. I just ordered one!
I bought one from Aliexpress… mine is with 7 XM-L2, the out put is meh… :Sp
but for this price… it’s a good deal i guess. very easy to mod with resistor mod
but seller has no rating… very risky, even thought they will refund you, just hate wasting time
this is where I bought mine… seller is legit
I hate wasting time too, but I’m in no rush. Seller does have no ratings, but everyone has to start somewhere right? AliExpress Buyer protection sealed the deal for me though.
Plus, there’s a “VERY” big difference between $30 and $70, that’s $40 difference, over twice as much and then some, and the item you linked only comes with 4x18650 battery pack. This comes with 6x18650! Of course, in reality, even 6x18650 isn’t enough for all these LED’s. I plan on making my own 10x18650 2S5P Panasonic NCR18650B battery pack. Should last about 6-8 hours on high based on my estimate’s.
I do plan to do a resistor mod, a link to how it can be done would be nice
If anyone is looking for another bike light, you really can’t beat this $30 deal, it’s gotta be the best thing going, and I have looked at hundred’s of bike lights and review’s in the last 3 weeks.
Sorry to tell you, but that single emitter light you link is gonna disappoint you, it’s probably about 400 real lumens and doesn’t even compare to a 7x XML light. I have many single emitter lights, and after wasting alot of money on lights like the one you linked, I finally got a “solarforce L2m”: and L2T Stainless Steel and they are by far and above some of the best lights in my collection. Best cheap light you can buy, just add a $15 XM-L2 drop in and your set to go! wish I would have bought them first and would have saved alot of money on el cheapo ”3000 Lumen’ lights, lol.
As for the 7x XML, I’m just hoping this light is pure flood to light up where I’m going, and see everything in my path!
Well, just to update, the seller shipped mine today via DHL, and also got a tracking number. Not to shabby for $30! Might just order another one!
lol… where did you go that you need to bike 6-8 hrs at night?
even stock is more than enough flood to light the road if it’s totally dark… but if you think you need more oomph at the cost of battery run time all you have to do is open up the tail cap at the back of the light ( where the power button is )
and then solder some resistor to it.
but word of caution… for some reason after I mod’ed it, now the light only has 1 mode HIGH only and you can’t turn it off.
The only way you can turn it off is by yanking the connection to the battery, albeit it is now a very bright and floody light
about the price? yes it is a very good deal. Just hope it didn’t turn out to be the same disappointment as your terminator clone :bigsmile:
to give you an idea about the light… it is not brighter than my stock SRK, after you mod it with the resistor then it will about the same as stock SRK.
in fact I used this FF D88 bike light more often as it is put out almost the same amount of light ( resistor mod of course ) and much lighter and combine them with this battery pack and you’ll set to go for a long ride :bigsmile:
I didn't buy this to use on my bike, but for my jogging stroller, lol. Depending on how bright I can make it, it might just go on my MTB. Only need it for 1-2 hours at a time, but just don't want to recharge as often. I know, pure laziness, but in reality battery packs can only be charged roughly 500x more of less, so might as well prolong how many times I recharge it right, to make it last! Anyways, that 12x18650 pack you linked is really nice, and I might get it, instead of building my own 12x18650 panasonic ncr18650b 20400mah battery pack!
I was eyeballing the Fandy D88 these last couple days, but I really don't like how it looks tbh. Stumbled on this 3x XM-L U2 Bike Lamp for $44 and I really like the halo around the middle LED, also has those wide angle looking lens on the 2 outside LED's. I might get that and put it on my jogging stroller instead. Or even it's little Mini 2x XM-L2 brother that cost a little more but comes with upgraded XM-L2 and battery pack, lol.
Oh btw, that Terminator Clone I bought not bad for $38 either. The seller is sending me a replacement because of the dents in the one I received!
yeah the flood lens is nice… I had one of those lens put on my other bike light it’s nice, but I sold it already.
BTW… you jog with the baby in the dark? :bigsmile:
Well, we usually go an hour after eating dinner, so 6-7pm and usually gets dark about halfway through out jog. As for that 3x light with the halo, I might just buy that as AliExpress is having their promotion going on, and I already earned a $10 off $70 purchase, plus a couple dollars credit all by playing the festival games on their AliExpress app, and having there BIG SALE on the 25th!
I ordered the light, but my tracking number doesn’t work. I called DHL to cofirm, that there is no package…
I already asked for a refund. What about your orders?
Check out this bit of madness.
TrustFire TR-D013 7*Cree XM-L2 T6 3-Mode 3200LM Cool White LED Bike Light
Check out the other cheap items in this guys store:
4 mode (2 amp-4amp-6amp with stobe .the strobe only coming after push couple seconds )
battery packs s*ks
i use this with 4 pana 3400 and i load it on my i4 pro charcher
whoaaa… I think i’m going to sell all my bike lights… this light look like it can shine a lot of lights in front of the bike
hmm… just wonder how heavy this light could be?
After a time of experementeren I note that there is nothing better than one or two c8 zaklampenmet 3amp (+) and xml2
You can even bring in your bike bag a couple or a box with 2 spare batteries
i have last buy one on fasttech …it s*ks
maybe replace with xpg2 r5
From what I can recall, DHL International Tracking number's are very rarely updated, and usually only once the good's are delivered. DHL is not on par with FedEx or UPS, thus it is why they are way cheaper to use.
That being said, I did contact DHL and they couldn't find anything and its been 7 days now, so I have contacted shipper about this, and will see what he says. I'm going to give it about 1 more week, and then request refund if nothing still!
Holy mother of lights! That thing looks incredible... Pairing it with this MT-204 handlebar mount from Action-LED and you can officially take off!
Wish they would have added a remote like all there other bike lights though.
Trustfire manual says only 2100 lumens on high, 230 lumens on low, what the freak? Wonder if a driver change or mod can get it pumping out maybe 4000+ lumens. That would be incredible!
Plus, this beast really needs like 12x18650 to be fed properly, with decent run-times!
2100 lumens on high divided by 7… you get about 300 lumens per head, I’d say this light is driven very mildly.
at least 600 –800 lumens per head should be good enough, think of it as strapping 7 UltraFire 502B lights :bigsmile:
7x800=5600 lumens. Perfect! Also, switch out 4 outer lens for Carclo frosted wide spot TIR optics, and the other 3 middle with Carclo clear narrow spot TIR optics, and BAM!!! You have a mobile light-house!