8 bay 18650/26650/32650 charger

if he sends me one there will be a teardown with plenty of pics.
if these are good we might even want to stock a few in my shop for vapers and flashlight nuts.
its gotta be better than buying 2 i4’s though.looks good on internet but gotta test/examine one myself first.

Thanks very much for your advise and I will improve myself surely. Just give me some time please.

About the feedback rating . Yes . 92.3% is low. Please if you are interested ,Please buy from a 100% positive feedback store.
I realize that I need earn more reputations from here before I selling products. Thanks and appreciate. As I said . Just give me time please

the 8 bay charger arrived.
box and charger are unbranded.
bad news!
ac adapter blew up before i got it plugged into the charger.plugged it in to 120vac and green light came on.
heard a noise as i plugged into the charger.DEAD.did a quick ohmmeter test at the charger and no short.
it runs fine on the 5a supply i built for a imax though.just a dud?
next wart is the slides are sticky and tend to bind.
this has been a widespread gripe about chargers from this oem and you would think they would have fixed that by now.
i grabbed the first bottle of oil i could reach and applied a small drop to each side of each slider with it pulled back.this ensures it actually gets where needed.
this greatly improved the operation of the sliders.
now for the GOOD!
it performs exactly as noted in HKJ’s review.
my testing has been limited to one half days worth but the findings here are encouraging.
i have yet to do a teardown but that will be coming.
so far it looks acceptable.
also looks like its the same unit as the enova without stickers.
MINOS needs to beat up the oem about the sticky slides though.i can accept the power supply failure as an isolated fluke.

Have you approached Minos about the power supply and if so what was the response?

Thanks for the update.

> Let’s forgot the nitecorn. I am selling the same one as Enova.

Just because the factory tells you that, doesn’t mean it’s true.
Changing the label does not mean you got the same thing under the label.

From comments above, you didn’t get the correct AC adapter.
Someone lied to you and you fell for it.

One of our presidents famously said: “Trust, but verify.”

You should do that.

We get a lot of people here who don’t know what they’re selling and don’t know how to find out.

Watch out for someone who sells you a few of a good product, then with a bigger order they swap in cheaper parts and it goes bad.

Also hank there is always electronics infant mortality failures. At the price these items are certainly not burned in at all and in many cases may have minimal to no testing prior to shipment. I worked in Electronics reliability testing for a silicon valley manufacturer for years and while infant mortality failures of electronic components decreased over time they never disappeared entirely, and still have not.

Even well designed electronics, manufactured with care, are going to have their highest failure rate in the first 72 hours of use unless burned-in at the manufacturer. Many careful people run in a new computer for a week or so prior to putting much software on it, or at least used to do so.

this one shipped with a black laptop style brick 12v 3.5 a.
and yes infant mortality failures are still very much with us.i am going to chalk up the adapter death to that.
electrically the unit seems fine but the slides still bind when inserting cells.
when i tear it down i will try various greases i have and see what works best.
pm to MINOS going out now…

Please post your test data so that we can compare it to HKJ’s test results to confirm.

Thank you in advance. :slight_smile:

Hi . Snakebite

Thanks very much for your updates
This is tragedy for me . As I am trying to built trust from you guys .But it seems I can not explain this is an accident. The adapter blew up.

Does the charger still works ?
I can not understand the mean”widespread gripe about chargers” Can you please explain it for me ?

I wish I can send you another one if you like .


It sounds like Minos and snakebite are making progress...

So there's no good reason to post another NiteCorn pic.


Who recognizes this role-playing game?

Was the name”Nitecorn”your role ?

Yeah, that's what I named the hero/main character. :)

dragon quest :quest:

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King FTW :)

but it would not be pronounced the same with all those umlautted letters?
as for fancy graphs i did not make any.i used a simple setup to verify charge current and final/cv phase voltage.
i can do the fancy stuff later when i have time.idea was to make sure its a good charger.it is other than the sticky sliders and dud adapter.
no excessive heating noted either.

btw “BLEW UP” is a figure of speech.it didnt explode .
a soft pop and it quit.i will autopsy it.

That's true, but umlauted letters look cool. 8)

the “widespread gripe” was about the nitecore i2 and i4 having sticky sliders.since the 8 bay seems to be from the same oem and is a extention of the same design i would assume this issue would have been fixed by now.
maybe qc missed this one?
you are welcome to send whatever you wish to have tested.

Haha . I think I am the one who own the name “Nitecorn”
Now it seems Nitecorn is a famous brand in BLF, You guys all promote for me and joke about it . I like that

Wont be the first time a product sold well just because of a silly name.