9th BLF/Old-Lumens Challenge, People's Choice: Vote for Your Favorite

The poll will run for 14 days, then voting will be closed automatically. That puts the closing on December 21, about 6:15 PM MST USA

There will be three awards made for People’s Choice; First, Second and Third Choices. The First Place person gets their choice from all of the prizes listed here…. The 9th BLF Old Lumens Challenge is Now closed! Sponsors and judges thread. Results are in!

The People’s Choice 2nd and 3rd place get to choose one item from the Banggood portion of the prize list.

After the poll ends, when we have the judges decisions we will follow the procedure used in most past years. That is, the First place in Hand Made has first selection for their prize. Then 1st place Machine Made, followed by 1st place Modified category. That process will be repeated for 2nd placers, 3rd placers, etc.

If there are ties in People’s Choice we will ask those who are tied to choose a number and then we will use random.org to pick a random number. The person whose guess is closest gets to choose next. If there is a tie in this process of number picking we will run the random generator until that is resolved.

Links with photos to the project entries that were completed are below, listed in alphabetical order. (click an image to view a larger size)

hand-made category

modded category

hand-made category

machine made category

modded category

hand-made category

modded category

modded category

modded category

hand-made category

modded category