The People’s Choice 2nd and 3rd place get to choose one item from the Banggood portion of the prize list.
After the poll ends, when we have the judges decisions we will follow the procedure used in most past years. That is, the First place in Hand Made has first selection for their prize. Then 1st place Machine Made, followed by 1st place Modified category. That process will be repeated for 2nd placers, 3rd placers, etc.
If there are ties in People’s Choice we will ask those who are tied to choose a number and then we will use to pick a random number. The person whose guess is closest gets to choose next. If there is a tie in this process of number picking we will run the random generator until that is resolved.
Links with photos to the project entries that were completed are below, listed in alphabetical order. (click an image to view a larger size)
Mine is admittedly kinda junky. But it’s my first build so it was super fun. And it can do its job, so it’s not a failure
I loved YuvalS light inside the light!
EasyB with a 40% mass reduction! That is ridiculously effective!
Gchart with an amazing interactive art piece!
Skylight is probably making the sun feel bad about itself! Or blinding moonmen, who knows?
Fearofthedark doing things I can barely manage to wish I could!
Haukkeli doing it just plain better!
MtnDon thinking outside the box… By building a box!
Pip is focused on getting stuff done!
And Asian8640 has all that pretty copper!
Huge thank you to everyone involved, in any way, with the 9th BLF/ Old Lumens challenge! You are all inspiring! (Seriously. Now I want to build a boxy, computerized, coppery light that comes to the rescue in a power outage, holds another light, and helps me get stuff done! Maybe for old lumens 10? Lot of learning to do in the meantime!)
Looks like your finished post was at 11:30 eastern time on the final day. The contest ended at the end of the day UTC which is 5 hours ahead of us. So I’m guessing when he closed the contest yours wasn’t finished. We could probably talk them into sneaking yours in though… I’m pretty sure this contest is more for fun than anything and nobody would be too upset if they stretched the time a little. I know I wouldn’t mind a bit.
I speak for myself when I say that this is an informal enough competition with a small enough participant pool that I second bending the rules a tiny bit to allow his entrance. The only issue I see is that I don’t know if we can alter the people’s choice award Poll without creating a new one. However, it has only been less than 24 hours and 14 votes as of writing this, so it shouldn’t be too hard for everyone that voted already to reevaluate and recast their vote.
We have some awesome entries this year congratulation to every one who finished there builds!
Its a bit sad to see no one made a light on a lathe, that is usually the most competitive part of the contest.Hopefully next year we see some more machine made entries. You all have 9 month to start learning lol.
The coordinators of the 9th BLF Old Lumens Challenge recognize there is some disappointment in the missed deadline of one of the challenge entries. The coordinators believe that 90 days from official announcement to the ending date was quite ample time. There was a countdown timer prominently displayed in the first post of the announcement topic. There was a notation that the countdown timer was the official time to be used. The counter was counting down to the final seconds for 90 days. The counter is still there in plain sight, now counting up. There was also an approximate 9-day preliminary announcement posted.
The coordinators are reluctant to adjust the time frame only because doing so sets a precedent that may be used at some future point when or if someone feels a rule needs to be adjusted for some reason that benefits their challenge entry.
However, in the spirit of forum camaraderie, the coordinators have decided to allow Scallywag's challenge entry to be treated as completed in a timely manner. As a completed entry it will be placed in the People's Choice poll and will be placed in its class alongside the others for the judges to adjudicate. Anyone who has already cast a vote may change it if they wish.
The poll has been adjusted with the addition of Scallywag. However, adding the images and link in post two will be done later when I am home and can use my PC to edit images to use as was done with the others.
Hey, it’s fine. I forgot to check the post, and even though the light was done on time the thread wasn’t and that’s the only thing you guys get to see.
You’re right 90 days was plenty of time and if I’d checked the main thread I’d have just made time to post Monday night.
I didn’t, so that’s on me.
For what it’s worth I don’t think I’m in danger of winning the vote anyway
It was not easy to vote! I followed along on everyone’s threads and it was fun to see so much hard work and creativity on every level. Congrats to everyone of you for putting in the time in the lights as well as the words and photos for your threads!